1 # event-target-shim 2 3 []( 4 []( 5 []( 6 []( 7 []( 8 9 An implementation of [WHATWG EventTarget interface](, plus few extensions. 10 11 - This provides `EventTarget` constructor that can inherit for your custom object. 12 - This provides an utility that defines properties of attribute listeners (e.g. `obj.onclick`). 13 14 ```js 15 import {EventTarget, defineEventAttribute} from "event-target-shim" 16 17 class Foo extends EventTarget { 18 // ... 19 } 20 21 // Define `foo.onhello` property. 22 defineEventAttribute(Foo.prototype, "hello") 23 24 // Use 25 const foo = new Foo() 26 foo.addEventListener("hello", e => console.log("hello", e)) 27 foo.onhello = e => console.log("onhello:", e) 28 foo.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hello")) 29 ``` 30 31 ## 💿 Installation 32 33 Use [npm]( to install then use a bundler. 34 35 ``` 36 npm install event-target-shim 37 ``` 38 39 Or download from [`dist` directory](./dist). 40 41 - [dist/event-target-shim.mjs](dist/event-target-shim.mjs) ... ES modules version. 42 - [dist/event-target-shim.js](dist/event-target-shim.js) ... Common JS version. 43 - [dist/event-target-shim.umd.js](dist/event-target-shim.umd.js) ... UMD (Universal Module Definition) version. This is transpiled by [Babel]( for IE 11. 44 45 ## 📖 Usage 46 47 ```js 48 import {EventTarget, defineEventAttribute} from "event-target-shim" 49 // or 50 const {EventTarget, defineEventAttribute} = require("event-target-shim") 51 52 // or UMD version defines a global variable: 53 const {EventTarget, defineEventAttribute} = window.EventTargetShim 54 ``` 55 56 ### EventTarget 57 58 > 59 60 #### eventTarget.addEventListener(type, callback, options) 61 62 Register an event listener. 63 64 - `type` is a string. This is the event name to register. 65 - `callback` is a function. This is the event listener to register. 66 - `options` is a boolean or an object `{ capture?: boolean, passive?: boolean, once?: boolean }`. If this is a boolean, it's same meaning as `{ capture: options }`. 67 - `capture` is the flag to register the event listener for capture phase. 68 - `passive` is the flag to ignore `event.preventDefault()` method in the event listener. 69 - `once` is the flag to remove the event listener automatically after the first call. 70 71 #### eventTarget.removeEventListener(type, callback, options) 72 73 Unregister an event listener. 74 75 - `type` is a string. This is the event name to unregister. 76 - `callback` is a function. This is the event listener to unregister. 77 - `options` is a boolean or an object `{ capture?: boolean }`. If this is a boolean, it's same meaning as `{ capture: options }`. 78 - `capture` is the flag to register the event listener for capture phase. 79 80 #### eventTarget.dispatchEvent(event) 81 82 Dispatch an event. 83 84 - `event` is a [Event]( object or an object `{ type: string, [key: string]: any }`. The latter is non-standard but useful. In both cases, listeners receive the event as implementing [Event]( interface. 85 86 ### defineEventAttribute(proto, type) 87 88 Define an event attribute (e.g. `onclick`) to `proto`. This is non-standard. 89 90 - `proto` is an object (assuming it's a prototype object). This function defines a getter/setter pair for the event attribute. 91 - `type` is a string. This is the event name to define. 92 93 For example: 94 95 ```js 96 class AbortSignal extends EventTarget { 97 constructor() { 98 this.aborted = false 99 } 100 } 101 // Define `onabort` property. 102 defineEventAttribute(AbortSignal.prototype, "abort") 103 ``` 104 105 ### EventTarget(types) 106 107 Define a custom `EventTarget` class with event attributes. This is non-standard. 108 109 - `types` is a string or an array of strings. This is the event name to define. 110 111 For example: 112 113 ```js 114 // This has `onabort` property. 115 class AbortSignal extends EventTarget("abort") { 116 constructor() { 117 this.aborted = false 118 } 119 } 120 ``` 121 122 ## 📚 Examples 123 124 ### ES2015 and later 125 126 > 127 128 ```js 129 const {EventTarget, defineEventAttribute} = EventTargetShim 130 131 // Define a derived class. 132 class Foo extends EventTarget { 133 // ... 134 } 135 136 // Define `foo.onhello` property. 137 defineEventAttribute(Foo.prototype, "hello") 138 139 // Register event listeners. 140 const foo = new Foo() 141 foo.addEventListener("hello", (e) => { 142 console.log("hello", e) 143 }) 144 foo.onhello = (e) => { 145 console.log("onhello", e) 146 } 147 148 // Dispatching events 149 foo.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hello", { detail: "detail" })) 150 ``` 151 152 ### Typescript 153 154 ```ts 155 import { EventTarget, defineEventAttribute } from "event-target-shim"; 156 157 // Define events 158 type FooEvents = { 159 hello: CustomEvent 160 } 161 type FooEventAttributes = { 162 onhello: CustomEvent 163 } 164 165 // Define a derived class. 166 class Foo extends EventTarget<FooEvents, FooEventAttributes> { 167 // ... 168 } 169 // Define `foo.onhello` property's implementation. 170 defineEventAttribute(Foo.prototype, "hello") 171 172 // Register event listeners. 173 const foo = new Foo() 174 foo.addEventListener("hello", (e) => { 175 console.log("hello", e.detail) 176 }) 177 foo.onhello = (e) => { 178 console.log("onhello", e.detail) 179 } 180 181 // Dispatching events 182 foo.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hello", { detail: "detail" })) 183 ``` 184 185 Unfortunately, both `FooEvents` and `FooEventAttributes` are needed because TypeScript doesn't allow the mutation of string literal types. If TypeScript allowed us to compute `"onhello"` from `"hello"` in types, `FooEventAttributes` will be optional. 186 187 This `EventTarget` type is compatible with `EventTarget` interface of `lib.dom.d.ts`. 188 189 #### To disallow unknown events 190 191 By default, methods such as `addEventListener` accept unknown events. You can disallow unknown events by the third type parameter `"strict"`. 192 193 ```ts 194 type FooEvents = { 195 hello: CustomEvent 196 } 197 class Foo extends EventTarget<FooEvents, {}, "strict"> { 198 // ... 199 } 200 201 // OK because `hello` is defined in FooEvents. 202 foo.addEventListener("hello", (e) => { 203 }) 204 // Error because `unknown` is not defined in FooEvents. 205 foo.addEventListener("unknown", (e) => { 206 }) 207 ``` 208 209 However, if you use `"strict"` parameter, it loses compatibility with `EventTarget` interface of `lib.dom.d.ts`. 210 211 #### To infer the type of `dispatchEvent()` method 212 213 TypeScript cannot infer the event type of `dispatchEvent()` method properly from the argument in most cases. You can improve this behavior with the following steps: 214 215 1. Use the third type parameter `"strict"`. This prevents inferring to `dispatchEvent<string>()`. 216 2. Make the `type` property of event definitions stricter. 217 218 ```ts 219 type FooEvents = { 220 hello: CustomEvent & { type: "hello" } 221 hey: Event & { type: "hey" } 222 } 223 class Foo extends EventTarget<FooEvents, {}, "strict"> { 224 // ... 225 } 226 227 // Error because `detail` property is lacking. 228 foo.dispatchEvent({ type: "hello" }) 229 ``` 230 231 ### ES5 232 233 > 234 235 ```js 236 // Define a derived class. 237 function Foo() { 238 239 } 240 Foo.prototype = Object.create(EventTarget.prototype, { 241 constructor: { value: Foo, configurable: true, writable: true } 242 // ... 243 }) 244 245 // Define `foo.onhello` property. 246 defineEventAttribute(Foo.prototype, "hello") 247 248 // Register event listeners. 249 var foo = new Foo() 250 foo.addEventListener("hello", function(e) { 251 console.log("hello", e) 252 }) 253 foo.onhello = function(e) { 254 console.log("onhello", e) 255 } 256 257 // Dispatching events 258 function isSupportEventConstrucor() { // IE does not support. 259 try { 260 new CusomEvent("hello") 261 return true 262 } catch (_err) { 263 return false 264 } 265 } 266 if (isSupportEventConstrucor()) { 267 foo.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hello", { detail: "detail" })) 268 } else { 269 var e = document.createEvent("CustomEvent") 270 e.initCustomEvent("hello", false, false, "detail") 271 foo.dispatchEvent(e) 272 } 273 ``` 274 275 ## 📰 Changelog 276 277 - See [GitHub releases]( 278 279 ## 🍻 Contributing 280 281 Contributing is welcome ❤️ 282 283 Please use GitHub issues/PRs. 284 285 ### Development tools 286 287 - `npm install` installs dependencies for development. 288 - `npm test` runs tests and measures code coverage. 289 - `npm run clean` removes temporary files of tests. 290 - `npm run coverage` opens code coverage of the previous test with your default browser. 291 - `npm run lint` runs ESLint. 292 - `npm run build` generates `dist` codes. 293 - `npm run watch` runs tests on each file change.