
node MVC discord bot
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      1 # Buddy
      2 [![License: GPL v3](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-blue.svg)](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0)
      3 [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/node-fetch.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/node-fetch)
      4 [![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/a3a91ff9c00a800c5850/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/underd0g1/buddy/maintainability)
      5 [![HitCount](http://hits.dwyl.io/underd0g1/buddy.svg)](http://hits.dwyl.io/underd0g1/buddy)
      7 ## Buddy is a simple yet fun and interactive node.js bot for Discord.
      9 ## Requirements
     11 - node.js version 10 or higher
     12 - Npm 4.x.x or higher
     13 - Current Discord account with at least one server (guild)
     14 - Current Discord Dev account
     17 ## Installation
     19 - Install node.js  
     20 - meet dependency Requirements
     21 - clone the buddy repository
     22 - navigate to directory
     23 - edit the .js file and insert your ID numbers into the corresponding places
     25 ` $ node buddy1.js `
     26 ## Usage
     27 After Adding buddy to the server, you may insteract with him in a number of ways. 
     28 His command syntax is ' $ ![command] '
     30 Here are a list of commands that buddy will respond to:
     32  - code
     33  - iss
     34  - beer
     35  - multiply x y
     36  - help
     37  - stocks [symbol]
     38  - foas 
     39  (You may also invoke the help command in the server to get a list of commands)
     41 ## Notes
     43 > Buddy was designed as just a cool bot to play around with in the discord server. Fork this repo or make a pull request to help me make him cooler. If you want to repurpose buddy for your own needs, please clone and do so! To change his features, just edit the .js file. Make sure to restart node every time that you make a change!