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ReactionCollector.js (6691B)

      1 'use strict';
      3 const Collector = require('./interfaces/Collector');
      4 const Collection = require('../util/Collection');
      5 const { Events } = require('../util/Constants');
      7 /**
      8  * @typedef {CollectorOptions} ReactionCollectorOptions
      9  * @property {number} max The maximum total amount of reactions to collect
     10  * @property {number} maxEmojis The maximum number of emojis to collect
     11  * @property {number} maxUsers The maximum number of users to react
     12  */
     14 /**
     15  * Collects reactions on messages.
     16  * Will automatically stop if the message (`'messageDelete'`),
     17  * channel (`'channelDelete'`), or guild (`'guildDelete'`) are deleted.
     18  * @extends {Collector}
     19  */
     20 class ReactionCollector extends Collector {
     21   /**
     22    * @param {Message} message The message upon which to collect reactions
     23    * @param {CollectorFilter} filter The filter to apply to this collector
     24    * @param {ReactionCollectorOptions} [options={}] The options to apply to this collector
     25    */
     26   constructor(message, filter, options = {}) {
     27     super(message.client, filter, options);
     29     /**
     30      * The message upon which to collect reactions
     31      * @type {Message}
     32      */
     33     this.message = message;
     35     /**
     36      * The users which have reacted to this message
     37      * @type {Collection}
     38      */
     39     this.users = new Collection();
     41     /**
     42      * The total number of reactions collected
     43      * @type {number}
     44      */
     45     this.total = 0;
     47     this.empty = this.empty.bind(this);
     48     this._handleChannelDeletion = this._handleChannelDeletion.bind(this);
     49     this._handleGuildDeletion = this._handleGuildDeletion.bind(this);
     50     this._handleMessageDeletion = this._handleMessageDeletion.bind(this);
     52     if (this.client.getMaxListeners() !== 0) this.client.setMaxListeners(this.client.getMaxListeners() + 1);
     53     this.client.on(Events.MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD, this.handleCollect);
     54     this.client.on(Events.MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE, this.handleDispose);
     55     this.client.on(Events.MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL, this.empty);
     56     this.client.on(Events.MESSAGE_DELETE, this._handleMessageDeletion);
     57     this.client.on(Events.CHANNEL_DELETE, this._handleChannelDeletion);
     58     this.client.on(Events.GUILD_DELETE, this._handleGuildDeletion);
     60     this.once('end', () => {
     61       this.client.removeListener(Events.MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD, this.handleCollect);
     62       this.client.removeListener(Events.MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE, this.handleDispose);
     63       this.client.removeListener(Events.MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL, this.empty);
     64       this.client.removeListener(Events.MESSAGE_DELETE, this._handleMessageDeletion);
     65       this.client.removeListener(Events.CHANNEL_DELETE, this._handleChannelDeletion);
     66       this.client.removeListener(Events.GUILD_DELETE, this._handleGuildDeletion);
     67       if (this.client.getMaxListeners() !== 0) this.client.setMaxListeners(this.client.getMaxListeners() - 1);
     68     });
     70     this.on('collect', (reaction, user) => {
     71       this.total++;
     72       this.users.set(user.id, user);
     73     });
     75     this.on('remove', (reaction, user) => {
     76       this.total--;
     77       if (!this.collected.some(r => r.users.cache.has(user.id))) this.users.delete(user.id);
     78     });
     79   }
     81   /**
     82    * Handles an incoming reaction for possible collection.
     83    * @param {MessageReaction} reaction The reaction to possibly collect
     84    * @returns {?Snowflake|string}
     85    * @private
     86    */
     87   collect(reaction) {
     88     /**
     89      * Emitted whenever a reaction is collected.
     90      * @event ReactionCollector#collect
     91      * @param {MessageReaction} reaction The reaction that was collected
     92      * @param {User} user The user that added the reaction
     93      */
     94     if (reaction.message.id !== this.message.id) return null;
     95     return ReactionCollector.key(reaction);
     96   }
     98   /**
     99    * Handles a reaction deletion for possible disposal.
    100    * @param {MessageReaction} reaction The reaction to possibly dispose of
    101    * @param {User} user The user that removed the reaction
    102    * @returns {?Snowflake|string}
    103    */
    104   dispose(reaction, user) {
    105     /**
    106      * Emitted whenever a reaction is disposed of.
    107      * @event ReactionCollector#dispose
    108      * @param {MessageReaction} reaction The reaction that was disposed of
    109      * @param {User} user The user that removed the reaction
    110      */
    111     if (reaction.message.id !== this.message.id) return null;
    113     /**
    114      * Emitted whenever a reaction is removed from a message. Will emit on all reaction removals,
    115      * as opposed to {@link Collector#dispose} which will only be emitted when the entire reaction
    116      * is removed.
    117      * @event ReactionCollector#remove
    118      * @param {MessageReaction} reaction The reaction that was removed
    119      * @param {User} user The user that removed the reaction
    120      */
    121     if (this.collected.has(ReactionCollector.key(reaction)) && this.users.has(user.id)) {
    122       this.emit('remove', reaction, user);
    123     }
    124     return reaction.count ? null : ReactionCollector.key(reaction);
    125   }
    127   /**
    128    * Empties this reaction collector.
    129    */
    130   empty() {
    131     this.total = 0;
    132     this.collected.clear();
    133     this.users.clear();
    134     this.checkEnd();
    135   }
    137   endReason() {
    138     if (this.options.max && this.total >= this.options.max) return 'limit';
    139     if (this.options.maxEmojis && this.collected.size >= this.options.maxEmojis) return 'emojiLimit';
    140     if (this.options.maxUsers && this.users.size >= this.options.maxUsers) return 'userLimit';
    141     return null;
    142   }
    144   /**
    145    * Handles checking if the message has been deleted, and if so, stops the collector with the reason 'messageDelete'.
    146    * @private
    147    * @param {Message} message The message that was deleted
    148    * @returns {void}
    149    */
    150   _handleMessageDeletion(message) {
    151     if (message.id === this.message.id) {
    152       this.stop('messageDelete');
    153     }
    154   }
    156   /**
    157    * Handles checking if the channel has been deleted, and if so, stops the collector with the reason 'channelDelete'.
    158    * @private
    159    * @param {GuildChannel} channel The channel that was deleted
    160    * @returns {void}
    161    */
    162   _handleChannelDeletion(channel) {
    163     if (channel.id === this.message.channel.id) {
    164       this.stop('channelDelete');
    165     }
    166   }
    168   /**
    169    * Handles checking if the guild has been deleted, and if so, stops the collector with the reason 'guildDelete'.
    170    * @private
    171    * @param {Guild} guild The guild that was deleted
    172    * @returns {void}
    173    */
    174   _handleGuildDeletion(guild) {
    175     if (this.message.guild && guild.id === this.message.guild.id) {
    176       this.stop('guildDelete');
    177     }
    178   }
    180   /**
    181    * Gets the collector key for a reaction.
    182    * @param {MessageReaction} reaction The message reaction to get the key for
    183    * @returns {Snowflake|string}
    184    */
    185   static key(reaction) {
    186     return reaction.emoji.id || reaction.emoji.name;
    187   }
    188 }
    190 module.exports = ReactionCollector;