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MessageReaction.js (3767B)

      1 'use strict';
      3 const GuildEmoji = require('./GuildEmoji');
      4 const ReactionEmoji = require('./ReactionEmoji');
      5 const ReactionUserManager = require('../managers/ReactionUserManager');
      6 const Util = require('../util/Util');
      8 /**
      9  * Represents a reaction to a message.
     10  */
     11 class MessageReaction {
     12   /**
     13    * @param {Client} client The instantiating client
     14    * @param {Object} data The data for the message reaction
     15    * @param {Message} message The message the reaction refers to
     16    */
     17   constructor(client, data, message) {
     18     /**
     19      * The client that instantiated this message reaction
     20      * @name MessageReaction#client
     21      * @type {Client}
     22      * @readonly
     23      */
     24     Object.defineProperty(this, 'client', { value: client });
     25     /**
     26      * The message that this reaction refers to
     27      * @type {Message}
     28      */
     29     this.message = message;
     31     /**
     32      * Whether the client has given this reaction
     33      * @type {boolean}
     34      */
     35     this.me = data.me;
     37     /**
     38      * A manager of the users that have given this reaction
     39      * @type {ReactionUserManager}
     40      */
     41     this.users = new ReactionUserManager(client, undefined, this);
     43     this._emoji = new ReactionEmoji(this, data.emoji);
     45     this._patch(data);
     46   }
     48   _patch(data) {
     49     /**
     50      * The number of people that have given the same reaction
     51      * @type {?number}
     52      * @name MessageReaction#count
     53      */
     54     // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
     55     if (this.count == undefined) this.count = data.count;
     56   }
     58   /**
     59    * Removes all users from this reaction.
     60    * @returns {Promise<MessageReaction>}
     61    */
     62   async remove() {
     63     await this.client.api
     64       .channels(this.message.channel.id)
     65       .messages(this.message.id)
     66       .reactions(this._emoji.identifier)
     67       .delete();
     68     return this;
     69   }
     71   /**
     72    * The emoji of this reaction, either an GuildEmoji object for known custom emojis, or a ReactionEmoji
     73    * object which has fewer properties. Whatever the prototype of the emoji, it will still have
     74    * `name`, `id`, `identifier` and `toString()`
     75    * @type {GuildEmoji|ReactionEmoji}
     76    * @readonly
     77    */
     78   get emoji() {
     79     if (this._emoji instanceof GuildEmoji) return this._emoji;
     80     // Check to see if the emoji has become known to the client
     81     if (this._emoji.id) {
     82       const emojis = this.message.client.emojis.cache;
     83       if (emojis.has(this._emoji.id)) {
     84         const emoji = emojis.get(this._emoji.id);
     85         this._emoji = emoji;
     86         return emoji;
     87       }
     88     }
     89     return this._emoji;
     90   }
     92   /**
     93    * Whether or not this reaction is a partial
     94    * @type {boolean}
     95    * @readonly
     96    */
     97   get partial() {
     98     return this.count === null;
     99   }
    101   /**
    102    * Fetch this reaction.
    103    * @returns {Promise<MessageReaction>}
    104    */
    105   async fetch() {
    106     const message = await this.message.fetch();
    107     const existing = message.reactions.cache.get(this.emoji.id || this.emoji.name);
    108     // The reaction won't get set when it has been completely removed
    109     this._patch(existing || { count: 0 });
    110     return this;
    111   }
    113   toJSON() {
    114     return Util.flatten(this, { emoji: 'emojiID', message: 'messageID' });
    115   }
    117   _add(user) {
    118     if (this.partial) return;
    119     this.users.cache.set(user.id, user);
    120     if (!this.me || user.id !== this.message.client.user.id || this.count === 0) this.count++;
    121     if (!this.me) this.me = user.id === this.message.client.user.id;
    122   }
    124   _remove(user) {
    125     if (this.partial) return;
    126     this.users.cache.delete(user.id);
    127     if (!this.me || user.id !== this.message.client.user.id) this.count--;
    128     if (user.id === this.message.client.user.id) this.me = false;
    129     if (this.count <= 0 && this.users.cache.size === 0) {
    130       this.message.reactions.cache.delete(this.emoji.id || this.emoji.name);
    131     }
    132   }
    133 }
    135 module.exports = MessageReaction;