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Message.js (18950B)

      1 'use strict';
      3 const APIMessage = require('./APIMessage');
      4 const Base = require('./Base');
      5 const ClientApplication = require('./ClientApplication');
      6 const MessageAttachment = require('./MessageAttachment');
      7 const Embed = require('./MessageEmbed');
      8 const Mentions = require('./MessageMentions');
      9 const ReactionCollector = require('./ReactionCollector');
     10 const { Error, TypeError } = require('../errors');
     11 const ReactionManager = require('../managers/ReactionManager');
     12 const Collection = require('../util/Collection');
     13 const { MessageTypes } = require('../util/Constants');
     14 const MessageFlags = require('../util/MessageFlags');
     15 const Permissions = require('../util/Permissions');
     16 const Util = require('../util/Util');
     18 /**
     19  * Represents a message on Discord.
     20  * @extends {Base}
     21  */
     22 class Message extends Base {
     23   /**
     24    * @param {Client} client The instantiating client
     25    * @param {Object} data The data for the message
     26    * @param {TextChannel|DMChannel} channel The channel the message was sent in
     27    */
     28   constructor(client, data, channel) {
     29     super(client);
     31     /**
     32      * The channel that the message was sent in
     33      * @type {TextChannel|DMChannel}
     34      */
     35     this.channel = channel;
     37     /**
     38      * Whether this message has been deleted
     39      * @type {boolean}
     40      */
     41     this.deleted = false;
     43     if (data) this._patch(data);
     44   }
     46   _patch(data) {
     47     /**
     48      * The ID of the message
     49      * @type {Snowflake}
     50      */
     51     this.id = data.id;
     53     /**
     54      * The type of the message
     55      * @type {MessageType}
     56      */
     57     this.type = MessageTypes[data.type];
     59     /**
     60      * The content of the message
     61      * @type {string}
     62      */
     63     this.content = data.content;
     65     /**
     66      * The author of the message
     67      * @type {?User}
     68      */
     69     this.author = data.author ? this.client.users.add(data.author, !data.webhook_id) : null;
     71     /**
     72      * Whether or not this message is pinned
     73      * @type {boolean}
     74      */
     75     this.pinned = data.pinned;
     77     /**
     78      * Whether or not the message was Text-To-Speech
     79      * @type {boolean}
     80      */
     81     this.tts = data.tts;
     83     /**
     84      * A random number or string used for checking message delivery
     85      * <warn>This is only received after the message was sent successfully, and
     86      * lost if re-fetched</warn>
     87      * @type {?string}
     88      */
     89     this.nonce = data.nonce;
     91     /**
     92      * Whether or not this message was sent by Discord, not actually a user (e.g. pin notifications)
     93      * @type {boolean}
     94      */
     95     this.system = data.type !== 0;
     97     /**
     98      * A list of embeds in the message - e.g. YouTube Player
     99      * @type {MessageEmbed[]}
    100      */
    101     this.embeds = (data.embeds || []).map(e => new Embed(e, true));
    103     /**
    104      * A collection of attachments in the message - e.g. Pictures - mapped by their ID
    105      * @type {Collection<Snowflake, MessageAttachment>}
    106      */
    107     this.attachments = new Collection();
    108     if (data.attachments) {
    109       for (const attachment of data.attachments) {
    110         this.attachments.set(attachment.id, new MessageAttachment(attachment.url, attachment.filename, attachment));
    111       }
    112     }
    114     /**
    115      * The timestamp the message was sent at
    116      * @type {number}
    117      */
    118     this.createdTimestamp = new Date(data.timestamp).getTime();
    120     /**
    121      * The timestamp the message was last edited at (if applicable)
    122      * @type {?number}
    123      */
    124     this.editedTimestamp = data.edited_timestamp ? new Date(data.edited_timestamp).getTime() : null;
    126     /**
    127      * A manager of the reactions belonging to this message
    128      * @type {ReactionManager}
    129      */
    130     this.reactions = new ReactionManager(this);
    131     if (data.reactions && data.reactions.length > 0) {
    132       for (const reaction of data.reactions) {
    133         this.reactions.add(reaction);
    134       }
    135     }
    137     /**
    138      * All valid mentions that the message contains
    139      * @type {MessageMentions}
    140      */
    141     this.mentions = new Mentions(this, data.mentions, data.mention_roles, data.mention_everyone, data.mention_channels);
    143     /**
    144      * ID of the webhook that sent the message, if applicable
    145      * @type {?Snowflake}
    146      */
    147     this.webhookID = data.webhook_id || null;
    149     /**
    150      * Supplemental application information for group activities
    151      * @type {?ClientApplication}
    152      */
    153     this.application = data.application ? new ClientApplication(this.client, data.application) : null;
    155     /**
    156      * Group activity
    157      * @type {?MessageActivity}
    158      */
    159     this.activity = data.activity
    160       ? {
    161           partyID: data.activity.party_id,
    162           type: data.activity.type,
    163         }
    164       : null;
    166     /**
    167      * The previous versions of the message, sorted with the most recent first
    168      * @type {Message[]}
    169      * @private
    170      */
    171     this._edits = [];
    173     if (this.member && data.member) {
    174       this.member._patch(data.member);
    175     } else if (data.member && this.guild && this.author) {
    176       this.guild.members.add(Object.assign(data.member, { user: this.author }));
    177     }
    179     /**
    180      * Flags that are applied to the message
    181      * @type {Readonly<MessageFlags>}
    182      */
    183     this.flags = new MessageFlags(data.flags).freeze();
    185     /**
    186      * Reference data sent in a crossposted message.
    187      * @typedef {Object} MessageReference
    188      * @property {string} channelID ID of the channel the message was crossposted from
    189      * @property {?string} guildID ID of the guild the message was crossposted from
    190      * @property {?string} messageID ID of the message that was crossposted
    191      */
    193     /**
    194      * Message reference data
    195      * @type {?MessageReference}
    196      */
    197     this.reference = data.message_reference
    198       ? {
    199           channelID: data.message_reference.channel_id,
    200           guildID: data.message_reference.guild_id,
    201           messageID: data.message_reference.message_id,
    202         }
    203       : null;
    204   }
    206   /**
    207    * Whether or not this message is a partial
    208    * @type {boolean}
    209    * @readonly
    210    */
    211   get partial() {
    212     return typeof this.content !== 'string' || !this.author;
    213   }
    215   /**
    216    * Updates the message.
    217    * @param {Object} data Raw Discord message update data
    218    * @private
    219    */
    220   patch(data) {
    221     const clone = this._clone();
    222     this._edits.unshift(clone);
    224     if ('edited_timestamp' in data) this.editedTimestamp = new Date(data.edited_timestamp).getTime();
    225     if ('content' in data) this.content = data.content;
    226     if ('pinned' in data) this.pinned = data.pinned;
    227     if ('tts' in data) this.tts = data.tts;
    228     if ('embeds' in data) this.embeds = data.embeds.map(e => new Embed(e, true));
    229     else this.embeds = this.embeds.slice();
    231     if ('attachments' in data) {
    232       this.attachments = new Collection();
    233       for (const attachment of data.attachments) {
    234         this.attachments.set(attachment.id, new MessageAttachment(attachment.url, attachment.filename, attachment));
    235       }
    236     } else {
    237       this.attachments = new Collection(this.attachments);
    238     }
    240     this.mentions = new Mentions(
    241       this,
    242       'mentions' in data ? data.mentions : this.mentions.users,
    243       'mention_roles' in data ? data.mention_roles : this.mentions.roles,
    244       'mention_everyone' in data ? data.mention_everyone : this.mentions.everyone,
    245       'mention_channels' in data ? data.mention_channels : this.mentions.crosspostedChannels,
    246     );
    248     this.flags = new MessageFlags('flags' in data ? data.flags : 0).freeze();
    249   }
    251   /**
    252    * Represents the author of the message as a guild member.
    253    * Only available if the message comes from a guild where the author is still a member
    254    * @type {?GuildMember}
    255    * @readonly
    256    */
    257   get member() {
    258     return this.guild ? this.guild.member(this.author) || null : null;
    259   }
    261   /**
    262    * The time the message was sent at
    263    * @type {Date}
    264    * @readonly
    265    */
    266   get createdAt() {
    267     return new Date(this.createdTimestamp);
    268   }
    270   /**
    271    * The time the message was last edited at (if applicable)
    272    * @type {?Date}
    273    * @readonly
    274    */
    275   get editedAt() {
    276     return this.editedTimestamp ? new Date(this.editedTimestamp) : null;
    277   }
    279   /**
    280    * The guild the message was sent in (if in a guild channel)
    281    * @type {?Guild}
    282    * @readonly
    283    */
    284   get guild() {
    285     return this.channel.guild || null;
    286   }
    288   /**
    289    * The url to jump to this message
    290    * @type {string}
    291    * @readonly
    292    */
    293   get url() {
    294     return `https://discordapp.com/channels/${this.guild ? this.guild.id : '@me'}/${this.channel.id}/${this.id}`;
    295   }
    297   /**
    298    * The message contents with all mentions replaced by the equivalent text.
    299    * If mentions cannot be resolved to a name, the relevant mention in the message content will not be converted.
    300    * @type {string}
    301    * @readonly
    302    */
    303   get cleanContent() {
    304     // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
    305     return this.content != null ? Util.cleanContent(this.content, this) : null;
    306   }
    308   /**
    309    * Creates a reaction collector.
    310    * @param {CollectorFilter} filter The filter to apply
    311    * @param {ReactionCollectorOptions} [options={}] Options to send to the collector
    312    * @returns {ReactionCollector}
    313    * @example
    314    * // Create a reaction collector
    315    * const filter = (reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name === '👌' && user.id === 'someID';
    316    * const collector = message.createReactionCollector(filter, { time: 15000 });
    317    * collector.on('collect', r => console.log(`Collected ${r.emoji.name}`));
    318    * collector.on('end', collected => console.log(`Collected ${collected.size} items`));
    319    */
    320   createReactionCollector(filter, options = {}) {
    321     return new ReactionCollector(this, filter, options);
    322   }
    324   /**
    325    * An object containing the same properties as CollectorOptions, but a few more:
    326    * @typedef {ReactionCollectorOptions} AwaitReactionsOptions
    327    * @property {string[]} [errors] Stop/end reasons that cause the promise to reject
    328    */
    330   /**
    331    * Similar to createReactionCollector but in promise form.
    332    * Resolves with a collection of reactions that pass the specified filter.
    333    * @param {CollectorFilter} filter The filter function to use
    334    * @param {AwaitReactionsOptions} [options={}] Optional options to pass to the internal collector
    335    * @returns {Promise<Collection<string, MessageReaction>>}
    336    * @example
    337    * // Create a reaction collector
    338    * const filter = (reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name === '👌' && user.id === 'someID'
    339    * message.awaitReactions(filter, { time: 15000 })
    340    *   .then(collected => console.log(`Collected ${collected.size} reactions`))
    341    *   .catch(console.error);
    342    */
    343   awaitReactions(filter, options = {}) {
    344     return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    345       const collector = this.createReactionCollector(filter, options);
    346       collector.once('end', (reactions, reason) => {
    347         if (options.errors && options.errors.includes(reason)) reject(reactions);
    348         else resolve(reactions);
    349       });
    350     });
    351   }
    353   /**
    354    * An array of cached versions of the message, including the current version
    355    * Sorted from latest (first) to oldest (last)
    356    * @type {Message[]}
    357    * @readonly
    358    */
    359   get edits() {
    360     const copy = this._edits.slice();
    361     copy.unshift(this);
    362     return copy;
    363   }
    365   /**
    366    * Whether the message is editable by the client user
    367    * @type {boolean}
    368    * @readonly
    369    */
    370   get editable() {
    371     return this.author.id === this.client.user.id;
    372   }
    374   /**
    375    * Whether the message is deletable by the client user
    376    * @type {boolean}
    377    * @readonly
    378    */
    379   get deletable() {
    380     return (
    381       !this.deleted &&
    382       (this.author.id === this.client.user.id ||
    383         (this.guild && this.channel.permissionsFor(this.client.user).has(Permissions.FLAGS.MANAGE_MESSAGES, false)))
    384     );
    385   }
    387   /**
    388    * Whether the message is pinnable by the client user
    389    * @type {boolean}
    390    * @readonly
    391    */
    392   get pinnable() {
    393     return (
    394       this.type === 'DEFAULT' &&
    395       (!this.guild || this.channel.permissionsFor(this.client.user).has(Permissions.FLAGS.MANAGE_MESSAGES, false))
    396     );
    397   }
    399   /**
    400    * Options that can be passed into editMessage.
    401    * @typedef {Object} MessageEditOptions
    402    * @property {string} [content] Content to be edited
    403    * @property {Object} [embed] An embed to be added/edited
    404    * @property {string|boolean} [code] Language for optional codeblock formatting to apply
    405    * @property {MessageMentionOptions} [allowedMentions] Which mentions should be parsed from the message content
    406    */
    408   /**
    409    * Edits the content of the message.
    410    * @param {StringResolvable|APIMessage} [content] The new content for the message
    411    * @param {MessageEditOptions|MessageEmbed} [options] The options to provide
    412    * @returns {Promise<Message>}
    413    * @example
    414    * // Update the content of a message
    415    * message.edit('This is my new content!')
    416    *   .then(msg => console.log(`Updated the content of a message to ${msg.content}`))
    417    *   .catch(console.error);
    418    */
    419   edit(content, options) {
    420     const { data } =
    421       content instanceof APIMessage ? content.resolveData() : APIMessage.create(this, content, options).resolveData();
    422     return this.client.api.channels[this.channel.id].messages[this.id].patch({ data }).then(d => {
    423       const clone = this._clone();
    424       clone._patch(d);
    425       return clone;
    426     });
    427   }
    429   /**
    430    * Pins this message to the channel's pinned messages.
    431    * @returns {Promise<Message>}
    432    */
    433   pin() {
    434     return this.client.api
    435       .channels(this.channel.id)
    436       .pins(this.id)
    437       .put()
    438       .then(() => this);
    439   }
    441   /**
    442    * Unpins this message from the channel's pinned messages.
    443    * @returns {Promise<Message>}
    444    */
    445   unpin() {
    446     return this.client.api
    447       .channels(this.channel.id)
    448       .pins(this.id)
    449       .delete()
    450       .then(() => this);
    451   }
    453   /**
    454    * Adds a reaction to the message.
    455    * @param {EmojiIdentifierResolvable} emoji The emoji to react with
    456    * @returns {Promise<MessageReaction>}
    457    * @example
    458    * // React to a message with a unicode emoji
    459    * message.react('🤔')
    460    *   .then(console.log)
    461    *   .catch(console.error);
    462    * @example
    463    * // React to a message with a custom emoji
    464    * message.react(message.guild.emojis.cache.get('123456789012345678'))
    465    *   .then(console.log)
    466    *   .catch(console.error);
    467    */
    468   react(emoji) {
    469     emoji = this.client.emojis.resolveIdentifier(emoji);
    470     if (!emoji) throw new TypeError('EMOJI_TYPE');
    472     return this.client.api
    473       .channels(this.channel.id)
    474       .messages(this.id)
    475       .reactions(emoji, '@me')
    476       .put()
    477       .then(
    478         () =>
    479           this.client.actions.MessageReactionAdd.handle({
    480             user: this.client.user,
    481             channel: this.channel,
    482             message: this,
    483             emoji: Util.parseEmoji(emoji),
    484           }).reaction,
    485       );
    486   }
    488   /**
    489    * Deletes the message.
    490    * @param {Object} [options] Options
    491    * @param {number} [options.timeout=0] How long to wait to delete the message in milliseconds
    492    * @param {string} [options.reason] Reason for deleting this message, if it does not belong to the client user
    493    * @returns {Promise<Message>}
    494    * @example
    495    * // Delete a message
    496    * message.delete()
    497    *   .then(msg => console.log(`Deleted message from ${msg.author.username}`))
    498    *   .catch(console.error);
    499    */
    500   delete(options = {}) {
    501     if (typeof options !== 'object') throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'options', 'object', true);
    502     const { timeout = 0, reason } = options;
    503     if (timeout <= 0) {
    504       return this.channel.messages.delete(this.id, reason).then(() => this);
    505     } else {
    506       return new Promise(resolve => {
    507         this.client.setTimeout(() => {
    508           resolve(this.delete({ reason }));
    509         }, timeout);
    510       });
    511     }
    512   }
    514   /**
    515    * Replies to the message.
    516    * @param {StringResolvable|APIMessage} [content=''] The content for the message
    517    * @param {MessageOptions|MessageAdditions} [options={}] The options to provide
    518    * @returns {Promise<Message|Message[]>}
    519    * @example
    520    * // Reply to a message
    521    * message.reply('Hey, I\'m a reply!')
    522    *   .then(() => console.log(`Sent a reply to ${message.author.username}`))
    523    *   .catch(console.error);
    524    */
    525   reply(content, options) {
    526     return this.channel.send(
    527       content instanceof APIMessage
    528         ? content
    529         : APIMessage.transformOptions(content, options, { reply: this.member || this.author }),
    530     );
    531   }
    533   /**
    534    * Fetch this message.
    535    * @returns {Promise<Message>}
    536    */
    537   fetch() {
    538     return this.channel.messages.fetch(this.id, true);
    539   }
    541   /**
    542    * Fetches the webhook used to create this message.
    543    * @returns {Promise<?Webhook>}
    544    */
    545   fetchWebhook() {
    546     if (!this.webhookID) return Promise.reject(new Error('WEBHOOK_MESSAGE'));
    547     return this.client.fetchWebhook(this.webhookID);
    548   }
    550   /**
    551    * Suppresses or unsuppresses embeds on a message
    552    * @param {boolean} [suppress=true] If the embeds should be suppressed or not
    553    * @returns {Promise<Message>}
    554    */
    555   suppressEmbeds(suppress = true) {
    556     const flags = new MessageFlags(this.flags.bitfield);
    558     if (suppress) {
    559       flags.add(MessageFlags.FLAGS.SUPPRESS_EMBEDS);
    560     } else {
    561       flags.remove(MessageFlags.FLAGS.SUPPRESS_EMBEDS);
    562     }
    564     return this.edit({ flags });
    565   }
    567   /**
    568    * Used mainly internally. Whether two messages are identical in properties. If you want to compare messages
    569    * without checking all the properties, use `message.id === message2.id`, which is much more efficient. This
    570    * method allows you to see if there are differences in content, embeds, attachments, nonce and tts properties.
    571    * @param {Message} message The message to compare it to
    572    * @param {Object} rawData Raw data passed through the WebSocket about this message
    573    * @returns {boolean}
    574    */
    575   equals(message, rawData) {
    576     if (!message) return false;
    577     const embedUpdate = !message.author && !message.attachments;
    578     if (embedUpdate) return this.id === message.id && this.embeds.length === message.embeds.length;
    580     let equal =
    581       this.id === message.id &&
    582       this.author.id === message.author.id &&
    583       this.content === message.content &&
    584       this.tts === message.tts &&
    585       this.nonce === message.nonce &&
    586       this.embeds.length === message.embeds.length &&
    587       this.attachments.length === message.attachments.length;
    589     if (equal && rawData) {
    590       equal =
    591         this.mentions.everyone === message.mentions.everyone &&
    592         this.createdTimestamp === new Date(rawData.timestamp).getTime() &&
    593         this.editedTimestamp === new Date(rawData.edited_timestamp).getTime();
    594     }
    596     return equal;
    597   }
    599   /**
    600    * When concatenated with a string, this automatically concatenates the message's content instead of the object.
    601    * @returns {string}
    602    * @example
    603    * // Logs: Message: This is a message!
    604    * console.log(`Message: ${message}`);
    605    */
    606   toString() {
    607     return this.content;
    608   }
    610   toJSON() {
    611     return super.toJSON({
    612       channel: 'channelID',
    613       author: 'authorID',
    614       application: 'applicationID',
    615       guild: 'guildID',
    616       cleanContent: true,
    617       member: false,
    618       reactions: false,
    619     });
    620   }
    621 }
    623 module.exports = Message;