
node MVC discord bot
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Channel.js (3998B)

      1 'use strict';
      3 const Base = require('./Base');
      4 const { ChannelTypes } = require('../util/Constants');
      5 const Snowflake = require('../util/Snowflake');
      7 /**
      8  * Represents any channel on Discord.
      9  * @extends {Base}
     10  */
     11 class Channel extends Base {
     12   constructor(client, data) {
     13     super(client);
     15     const type = Object.keys(ChannelTypes)[data.type];
     16     /**
     17      * The type of the channel, either:
     18      * * `dm` - a DM channel
     19      * * `text` - a guild text channel
     20      * * `voice` - a guild voice channel
     21      * * `category` - a guild category channel
     22      * * `news` - a guild news channel
     23      * * `store` - a guild store channel
     24      * * `unknown` - a generic channel of unknown type, could be Channel or GuildChannel
     25      * @type {string}
     26      */
     27     this.type = type ? type.toLowerCase() : 'unknown';
     29     /**
     30      * Whether the channel has been deleted
     31      * @type {boolean}
     32      */
     33     this.deleted = false;
     35     if (data) this._patch(data);
     36   }
     38   _patch(data) {
     39     /**
     40      * The unique ID of the channel
     41      * @type {Snowflake}
     42      */
     43     this.id = data.id;
     44   }
     46   /**
     47    * The timestamp the channel was created at
     48    * @type {number}
     49    * @readonly
     50    */
     51   get createdTimestamp() {
     52     return Snowflake.deconstruct(this.id).timestamp;
     53   }
     55   /**
     56    * The time the channel was created at
     57    * @type {Date}
     58    * @readonly
     59    */
     60   get createdAt() {
     61     return new Date(this.createdTimestamp);
     62   }
     64   /**
     65    * When concatenated with a string, this automatically returns the channel's mention instead of the Channel object.
     66    * @returns {string}
     67    * @example
     68    * // Logs: Hello from <#123456789012345678>!
     69    * console.log(`Hello from ${channel}!`);
     70    */
     71   toString() {
     72     return `<#${this.id}>`;
     73   }
     75   /**
     76    * Deletes this channel.
     77    * @returns {Promise<Channel>}
     78    * @example
     79    * // Delete the channel
     80    * channel.delete()
     81    *   .then(console.log)
     82    *   .catch(console.error);
     83    */
     84   delete() {
     85     return this.client.api
     86       .channels(this.id)
     87       .delete()
     88       .then(() => this);
     89   }
     91   /**
     92    * Fetches this channel.
     93    * @returns {Promise<Channel>}
     94    */
     95   fetch() {
     96     return this.client.channels.fetch(this.id, true);
     97   }
     99   static create(client, data, guild) {
    100     const Structures = require('../util/Structures');
    101     let channel;
    102     if (!data.guild_id && !guild) {
    103       if ((data.recipients && data.type !== ChannelTypes.GROUP) || data.type === ChannelTypes.DM) {
    104         const DMChannel = Structures.get('DMChannel');
    105         channel = new DMChannel(client, data);
    106       } else if (data.type === ChannelTypes.GROUP) {
    107         const PartialGroupDMChannel = require('./PartialGroupDMChannel');
    108         channel = new PartialGroupDMChannel(client, data);
    109       }
    110     } else {
    111       guild = guild || client.guilds.cache.get(data.guild_id);
    112       if (guild) {
    113         switch (data.type) {
    114           case ChannelTypes.TEXT: {
    115             const TextChannel = Structures.get('TextChannel');
    116             channel = new TextChannel(guild, data);
    117             break;
    118           }
    119           case ChannelTypes.VOICE: {
    120             const VoiceChannel = Structures.get('VoiceChannel');
    121             channel = new VoiceChannel(guild, data);
    122             break;
    123           }
    124           case ChannelTypes.CATEGORY: {
    125             const CategoryChannel = Structures.get('CategoryChannel');
    126             channel = new CategoryChannel(guild, data);
    127             break;
    128           }
    129           case ChannelTypes.NEWS: {
    130             const NewsChannel = Structures.get('NewsChannel');
    131             channel = new NewsChannel(guild, data);
    132             break;
    133           }
    134           case ChannelTypes.STORE: {
    135             const StoreChannel = Structures.get('StoreChannel');
    136             channel = new StoreChannel(guild, data);
    137             break;
    138           }
    139         }
    140         if (channel) guild.channels.cache.set(channel.id, channel);
    141       }
    142     }
    143     return channel;
    144   }
    146   toJSON(...props) {
    147     return super.toJSON({ createdTimestamp: true }, ...props);
    148   }
    149 }
    151 module.exports = Channel;