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GuildEmojiRoleManager.js (3523B)

      1 'use strict';
      3 const { TypeError } = require('../errors');
      4 const Collection = require('../util/Collection');
      6 /**
      7  * Manages API methods for roles belonging to emojis and stores their cache.
      8  */
      9 class GuildEmojiRoleManager {
     10   constructor(emoji) {
     11     /**
     12      * The emoji belonging to this manager
     13      * @type {GuildEmoji}
     14      */
     15     this.emoji = emoji;
     16     /**
     17      * The guild belonging to this manager
     18      * @type {Guild}
     19      */
     20     this.guild = emoji.guild;
     21     /**
     22      * The client belonging to this manager
     23      * @type {Client}
     24      * @readonly
     25      */
     26     Object.defineProperty(this, 'client', { value: emoji.client });
     27   }
     29   /**
     30    * The filtered collection of roles of the guild emoji
     31    * @type {Collection<Snowflake, Role>}
     32    * @private
     33    * @readonly
     34    */
     35   get _roles() {
     36     return this.guild.roles.cache.filter(role => this.emoji._roles.includes(role.id));
     37   }
     39   /**
     40    * The cache of roles belonging to this emoji
     41    * @type {Collection<Snowflake, Role>}
     42    * @readonly
     43    */
     44   get cache() {
     45     return this._roles;
     46   }
     48   /**
     49    * Adds a role (or multiple roles) to the list of roles that can use this emoji.
     50    * @param {RoleResolvable|RoleResolvable[]|Collection<Snowflake, Role>} roleOrRoles The role or roles to add
     51    * @returns {Promise<GuildEmoji>}
     52    */
     53   add(roleOrRoles) {
     54     if (roleOrRoles instanceof Collection) return this.add(roleOrRoles.keyArray());
     55     if (!Array.isArray(roleOrRoles)) return this.add([roleOrRoles]);
     56     roleOrRoles = roleOrRoles.map(r => this.guild.roles.resolve(r));
     58     if (roleOrRoles.includes(null)) {
     59       return Promise.reject(new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'roles', 'Array or Collection of Roles or Snowflakes', true));
     60     }
     62     const newRoles = [...new Set(roleOrRoles.concat(...this._roles.values()))];
     63     return this.set(newRoles);
     64   }
     66   /**
     67    * Removes a role (or multiple roles) from the list of roles that can use this emoji.
     68    * @param {RoleResolvable|RoleResolvable[]|Collection<Snowflake, Role>} roleOrRoles The role or roles to remove
     69    * @returns {Promise<GuildEmoji>}
     70    */
     71   remove(roleOrRoles) {
     72     if (roleOrRoles instanceof Collection) return this.remove(roleOrRoles.keyArray());
     73     if (!Array.isArray(roleOrRoles)) return this.remove([roleOrRoles]);
     74     roleOrRoles = roleOrRoles.map(r => this.guild.roles.resolveID(r));
     76     if (roleOrRoles.includes(null)) {
     77       return Promise.reject(new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'roles', 'Array or Collection of Roles or Snowflakes', true));
     78     }
     80     const newRoles = this._roles.keyArray().filter(role => !roleOrRoles.includes(role));
     81     return this.set(newRoles);
     82   }
     84   /**
     85    * Sets the role(s) that can use this emoji.
     86    * @param {Collection<Snowflake, Role>|RoleResolvable[]} roles The roles or role IDs to apply
     87    * @returns {Promise<GuildEmoji>}
     88    * @example
     89    * // Set the emoji's roles to a single role
     90    * guildEmoji.roles.set(['391156570408615936'])
     91    *   .then(console.log)
     92    *   .catch(console.error);
     93    * @example
     94    * // Remove all roles from an emoji
     95    * guildEmoji.roles.set([])
     96    *    .then(console.log)
     97    *    .catch(console.error);
     98    */
     99   set(roles) {
    100     return this.emoji.edit({ roles });
    101   }
    103   clone() {
    104     const clone = new this.constructor(this.emoji);
    105     clone._patch(this._roles.keyArray().slice());
    106     return clone;
    107   }
    109   /**
    110    * Patches the roles for this manager's cache
    111    * @param {Snowflake[]} roles The new roles
    112    * @private
    113    */
    114   _patch(roles) {
    115     this.emoji._roles = roles;
    116   }
    117 }
    119 module.exports = GuildEmojiRoleManager;