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GuildChannelManager.js (4125B)

      1 'use strict';
      3 const BaseManager = require('./BaseManager');
      4 const GuildChannel = require('../structures/GuildChannel');
      5 const PermissionOverwrites = require('../structures/PermissionOverwrites');
      6 const { ChannelTypes } = require('../util/Constants');
      8 /**
      9  * Manages API methods for GuildChannels and stores their cache.
     10  * @extends {BaseManager}
     11  */
     12 class GuildChannelManager extends BaseManager {
     13   constructor(guild, iterable) {
     14     super(guild.client, iterable, GuildChannel);
     16     /**
     17      * The guild this Manager belongs to
     18      * @type {Guild}
     19      */
     20     this.guild = guild;
     21   }
     23   /**
     24    * The cache of this Manager
     25    * @type {Collection<Snowflake, GuildChannel>}
     26    * @name GuildChannelManager#cache
     27    */
     29   add(channel) {
     30     const existing = this.cache.get(channel.id);
     31     if (existing) return existing;
     32     this.cache.set(channel.id, channel);
     33     return channel;
     34   }
     36   /**
     37    * Data that can be resolved to give a Guild Channel object. This can be:
     38    * * A GuildChannel object
     39    * * A Snowflake
     40    * @typedef {GuildChannel|Snowflake} GuildChannelResolvable
     41    */
     43   /**
     44    * Resolves a GuildChannelResolvable to a Channel object.
     45    * @method resolve
     46    * @memberof GuildChannelManager
     47    * @instance
     48    * @param {GuildChannelResolvable} channel The GuildChannel resolvable to resolve
     49    * @returns {?Channel}
     50    */
     52   /**
     53    * Resolves a GuildChannelResolvable to a channel ID string.
     54    * @method resolveID
     55    * @memberof GuildChannelManager
     56    * @instance
     57    * @param {GuildChannelResolvable} channel The GuildChannel resolvable to resolve
     58    * @returns {?Snowflake}
     59    */
     61   /**
     62    * Creates a new channel in the guild.
     63    * @param {string} name The name of the new channel
     64    * @param {Object} [options] Options
     65    * @param {string} [options.type='text'] The type of the new channel, either `text`, `voice`, or `category`
     66    * @param {string} [options.topic] The topic for the new channel
     67    * @param {boolean} [options.nsfw] Whether the new channel is nsfw
     68    * @param {number} [options.bitrate] Bitrate of the new channel in bits (only voice)
     69    * @param {number} [options.userLimit] Maximum amount of users allowed in the new channel (only voice)
     70    * @param {ChannelResolvable} [options.parent] Parent of the new channel
     71    * @param {OverwriteResolvable[]|Collection<Snowflake, OverwriteResolvable>} [options.permissionOverwrites]
     72    * Permission overwrites of the new channel
     73    * @param {number} [options.position] Position of the new channel
     74    * @param {number} [options.rateLimitPerUser] The ratelimit per user for the channel
     75    * @param {string} [options.reason] Reason for creating the channel
     76    * @returns {Promise<GuildChannel>}
     77    * @example
     78    * // Create a new text channel
     79    * guild.channels.create('new-general', { reason: 'Needed a cool new channel' })
     80    *   .then(console.log)
     81    *   .catch(console.error);
     82    * @example
     83    * // Create a new channel with permission overwrites
     84    * guild.channels.create('new-voice', {
     85    *   type: 'voice',
     86    *   permissionOverwrites: [
     87    *      {
     88    *        id: message.author.id,
     89    *        deny: ['VIEW_CHANNEL'],
     90    *     },
     91    *   ],
     92    * })
     93    */
     94   async create(name, options = {}) {
     95     let {
     96       type,
     97       topic,
     98       nsfw,
     99       bitrate,
    100       userLimit,
    101       parent,
    102       permissionOverwrites,
    103       position,
    104       rateLimitPerUser,
    105       reason,
    106     } = options;
    107     if (parent) parent = this.client.channels.resolveID(parent);
    108     if (permissionOverwrites) {
    109       permissionOverwrites = permissionOverwrites.map(o => PermissionOverwrites.resolve(o, this.guild));
    110     }
    112     const data = await this.client.api.guilds(this.guild.id).channels.post({
    113       data: {
    114         name,
    115         topic,
    116         type: type ? ChannelTypes[type.toUpperCase()] : ChannelTypes.TEXT,
    117         nsfw,
    118         bitrate,
    119         user_limit: userLimit,
    120         parent_id: parent,
    121         position,
    122         permission_overwrites: permissionOverwrites,
    123         rate_limit_per_user: rateLimitPerUser,
    124       },
    125       reason,
    126     });
    127     return this.client.actions.ChannelCreate.handle(data).channel;
    128   }
    129 }
    131 module.exports = GuildChannelManager;