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WebSocketShard.js (22170B)

      1 'use strict';
      3 const EventEmitter = require('events');
      4 const WebSocket = require('../../WebSocket');
      5 const { browser, Status, Events, ShardEvents, OPCodes, WSEvents } = require('../../util/Constants');
      7 const STATUS_KEYS = Object.keys(Status);
      8 const CONNECTION_STATE = Object.keys(WebSocket.WebSocket);
     10 let zlib;
     12 if (!browser) {
     13   try {
     14     zlib = require('zlib-sync');
     15   } catch {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty
     16 }
     18 /**
     19  * Represents a Shard's WebSocket connection
     20  */
     21 class WebSocketShard extends EventEmitter {
     22   constructor(manager, id) {
     23     super();
     25     /**
     26      * The WebSocketManager of the shard
     27      * @type {WebSocketManager}
     28      */
     29     this.manager = manager;
     31     /**
     32      * The ID of the shard
     33      * @type {number}
     34      */
     35     this.id = id;
     37     /**
     38      * The current status of the shard
     39      * @type {Status}
     40      */
     41     this.status = Status.IDLE;
     43     /**
     44      * The current sequence of the shard
     45      * @type {number}
     46      * @private
     47      */
     48     this.sequence = -1;
     50     /**
     51      * The sequence of the shard after close
     52      * @type {number}
     53      * @private
     54      */
     55     this.closeSequence = 0;
     57     /**
     58      * The current session ID of the shard
     59      * @type {string}
     60      * @private
     61      */
     62     this.sessionID = undefined;
     64     /**
     65      * The previous heartbeat ping of the shard
     66      * @type {number}
     67      */
     68     this.ping = -1;
     70     /**
     71      * The last time a ping was sent (a timestamp)
     72      * @type {number}
     73      * @private
     74      */
     75     this.lastPingTimestamp = -1;
     77     /**
     78      * If we received a heartbeat ack back. Used to identify zombie connections
     79      * @type {boolean}
     80      * @private
     81      */
     82     this.lastHeartbeatAcked = true;
     84     /**
     85      * Contains the rate limit queue and metadata
     86      * @type {Object}
     87      * @private
     88      */
     89     Object.defineProperty(this, 'ratelimit', {
     90       value: {
     91         queue: [],
     92         total: 120,
     93         remaining: 120,
     94         time: 60e3,
     95         timer: null,
     96       },
     97     });
     99     /**
    100      * The WebSocket connection for the current shard
    101      * @type {?WebSocket}
    102      * @private
    103      */
    104     Object.defineProperty(this, 'connection', { value: null, writable: true });
    106     /**
    107      * @external Inflate
    108      * @see {@link https://www.npmjs.com/package/zlib-sync}
    109      */
    111     /**
    112      * The compression to use
    113      * @type {?Inflate}
    114      * @private
    115      */
    116     Object.defineProperty(this, 'inflate', { value: null, writable: true });
    118     /**
    119      * The HELLO timeout
    120      * @type {?NodeJS.Timer}
    121      * @private
    122      */
    123     Object.defineProperty(this, 'helloTimeout', { value: undefined, writable: true });
    125     /**
    126      * If the manager attached its event handlers on the shard
    127      * @type {boolean}
    128      * @private
    129      */
    130     Object.defineProperty(this, 'eventsAttached', { value: false, writable: true });
    132     /**
    133      * A set of guild IDs this shard expects to receive
    134      * @type {?Set<string>}
    135      * @private
    136      */
    137     Object.defineProperty(this, 'expectedGuilds', { value: undefined, writable: true });
    139     /**
    140      * The ready timeout
    141      * @type {?NodeJS.Timer}
    142      * @private
    143      */
    144     Object.defineProperty(this, 'readyTimeout', { value: undefined, writable: true });
    146     /**
    147      * Time when the WebSocket connection was opened
    148      * @type {number}
    149      * @private
    150      */
    151     Object.defineProperty(this, 'connectedAt', { value: 0, writable: true });
    152   }
    154   /**
    155    * Emits a debug event.
    156    * @param {string} message The debug message
    157    * @private
    158    */
    159   debug(message) {
    160     this.manager.debug(message, this);
    161   }
    163   /**
    164    * Connects the shard to the gateway.
    165    * @private
    166    * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that will resolve if the shard turns ready successfully,
    167    * or reject if we couldn't connect
    168    */
    169   connect() {
    170     const { gateway, client } = this.manager;
    172     if (this.connection && this.connection.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN && this.status === Status.READY) {
    173       return Promise.resolve();
    174     }
    176     return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    177       const cleanup = () => {
    178         this.removeListener(ShardEvents.CLOSE, onClose);
    179         this.removeListener(ShardEvents.READY, onReady);
    180         this.removeListener(ShardEvents.RESUMED, onResumed);
    181         this.removeListener(ShardEvents.INVALID_SESSION, onInvalidOrDestroyed);
    182         this.removeListener(ShardEvents.DESTROYED, onInvalidOrDestroyed);
    183       };
    185       const onReady = () => {
    186         cleanup();
    187         resolve();
    188       };
    190       const onResumed = () => {
    191         cleanup();
    192         resolve();
    193       };
    195       const onClose = event => {
    196         cleanup();
    197         reject(event);
    198       };
    200       const onInvalidOrDestroyed = () => {
    201         cleanup();
    202         // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-promise-reject-errors
    203         reject();
    204       };
    206       this.once(ShardEvents.READY, onReady);
    207       this.once(ShardEvents.RESUMED, onResumed);
    208       this.once(ShardEvents.CLOSE, onClose);
    209       this.once(ShardEvents.INVALID_SESSION, onInvalidOrDestroyed);
    210       this.once(ShardEvents.DESTROYED, onInvalidOrDestroyed);
    212       if (this.connection && this.connection.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
    213         this.debug('An open connection was found, attempting an immediate identify.');
    214         this.identify();
    215         return;
    216       }
    218       if (this.connection) {
    219         this.debug(`A connection object was found. Cleaning up before continuing.
    220     State: ${CONNECTION_STATE[this.connection.readyState]}`);
    221         this.destroy({ emit: false });
    222       }
    224       const wsQuery = { v: client.options.ws.version };
    226       if (zlib) {
    227         this.inflate = new zlib.Inflate({
    228           chunkSize: 65535,
    229           flush: zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH,
    230           to: WebSocket.encoding === 'json' ? 'string' : '',
    231         });
    232         wsQuery.compress = 'zlib-stream';
    233       }
    235       this.debug(
    236         `[CONNECT]
    237     Gateway    : ${gateway}
    238     Version    : ${client.options.ws.version}
    239     Encoding   : ${WebSocket.encoding}
    240     Compression: ${zlib ? 'zlib-stream' : 'none'}`,
    241       );
    243       this.status = this.status === Status.DISCONNECTED ? Status.RECONNECTING : Status.CONNECTING;
    244       this.setHelloTimeout();
    246       this.connectedAt = Date.now();
    248       const ws = (this.connection = WebSocket.create(gateway, wsQuery));
    249       ws.onopen = this.onOpen.bind(this);
    250       ws.onmessage = this.onMessage.bind(this);
    251       ws.onerror = this.onError.bind(this);
    252       ws.onclose = this.onClose.bind(this);
    253     });
    254   }
    256   /**
    257    * Called whenever a connection is opened to the gateway.
    258    * @private
    259    */
    260   onOpen() {
    261     this.debug(`[CONNECTED] ${this.connection.url} in ${Date.now() - this.connectedAt}ms`);
    262     this.status = Status.NEARLY;
    263   }
    265   /**
    266    * Called whenever a message is received.
    267    * @param {MessageEvent} event Event received
    268    * @private
    269    */
    270   onMessage({ data }) {
    271     let raw;
    272     if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) data = new Uint8Array(data);
    273     if (zlib) {
    274       const l = data.length;
    275       const flush =
    276         l >= 4 && data[l - 4] === 0x00 && data[l - 3] === 0x00 && data[l - 2] === 0xff && data[l - 1] === 0xff;
    278       this.inflate.push(data, flush && zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
    279       if (!flush) return;
    280       raw = this.inflate.result;
    281     } else {
    282       raw = data;
    283     }
    284     let packet;
    285     try {
    286       packet = WebSocket.unpack(raw);
    287       this.manager.client.emit(Events.RAW, packet, this.id);
    288       if (packet.op === OPCodes.DISPATCH) this.manager.emit(packet.t, packet.d, this.id);
    289     } catch (err) {
    290       this.manager.client.emit(Events.SHARD_ERROR, err, this.id);
    291       return;
    292     }
    293     this.onPacket(packet);
    294   }
    296   /**
    297    * Called whenever an error occurs with the WebSocket.
    298    * @param {ErrorEvent} event The error that occurred
    299    * @private
    300    */
    301   onError(event) {
    302     const error = event && event.error ? event.error : event;
    303     if (!error) return;
    305     /**
    306      * Emitted whenever a shard's WebSocket encounters a connection error.
    307      * @event Client#shardError
    308      * @param {Error} error The encountered error
    309      * @param {number} shardID The shard that encountered this error
    310      */
    311     this.manager.client.emit(Events.SHARD_ERROR, error, this.id);
    312   }
    314   /**
    315    * @external CloseEvent
    316    * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CloseEvent}
    317    */
    319   /**
    320    * @external ErrorEvent
    321    * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ErrorEvent}
    322    */
    324   /**
    325    * @external MessageEvent
    326    * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MessageEvent}
    327    */
    329   /**
    330    * Called whenever a connection to the gateway is closed.
    331    * @param {CloseEvent} event Close event that was received
    332    * @private
    333    */
    334   onClose(event) {
    335     if (this.sequence !== -1) this.closeSequence = this.sequence;
    336     this.sequence = -1;
    338     this.debug(`[CLOSE]
    339     Event Code: ${event.code}
    340     Clean     : ${event.wasClean}
    341     Reason    : ${event.reason || 'No reason received'}`);
    343     this.setHeartbeatTimer(-1);
    344     this.setHelloTimeout(-1);
    345     // If we still have a connection object, clean up its listeners
    346     if (this.connection) this._cleanupConnection();
    348     this.status = Status.DISCONNECTED;
    350     /**
    351      * Emitted when a shard's WebSocket closes.
    352      * @private
    353      * @event WebSocketShard#close
    354      * @param {CloseEvent} event The received event
    355      */
    356     this.emit(ShardEvents.CLOSE, event);
    357   }
    359   /**
    360    * Called whenever a packet is received.
    361    * @param {Object} packet The received packet
    362    * @private
    363    */
    364   onPacket(packet) {
    365     if (!packet) {
    366       this.debug(`Received broken packet: '${packet}'.`);
    367       return;
    368     }
    370     switch (packet.t) {
    371       case WSEvents.READY:
    372         /**
    373          * Emitted when the shard receives the READY payload and is now waiting for guilds
    374          * @event WebSocketShard#ready
    375          */
    376         this.emit(ShardEvents.READY);
    378         this.sessionID = packet.d.session_id;
    379         this.expectedGuilds = new Set(packet.d.guilds.map(d => d.id));
    380         this.status = Status.WAITING_FOR_GUILDS;
    381         this.debug(`[READY] Session ${this.sessionID}.`);
    382         this.lastHeartbeatAcked = true;
    383         this.sendHeartbeat('ReadyHeartbeat');
    384         break;
    385       case WSEvents.RESUMED: {
    386         /**
    387          * Emitted when the shard resumes successfully
    388          * @event WebSocketShard#resumed
    389          */
    390         this.emit(ShardEvents.RESUMED);
    392         this.status = Status.READY;
    393         const replayed = packet.s - this.closeSequence;
    394         this.debug(`[RESUMED] Session ${this.sessionID} | Replayed ${replayed} events.`);
    395         this.lastHeartbeatAcked = true;
    396         this.sendHeartbeat('ResumeHeartbeat');
    397         break;
    398       }
    399     }
    401     if (packet.s > this.sequence) this.sequence = packet.s;
    403     switch (packet.op) {
    404       case OPCodes.HELLO:
    405         this.setHelloTimeout(-1);
    406         this.setHeartbeatTimer(packet.d.heartbeat_interval);
    407         this.identify();
    408         break;
    409       case OPCodes.RECONNECT:
    410         this.debug('[RECONNECT] Discord asked us to reconnect');
    411         this.destroy({ closeCode: 4000 });
    412         break;
    413       case OPCodes.INVALID_SESSION:
    414         this.debug(`[INVALID SESSION] Resumable: ${packet.d}.`);
    415         // If we can resume the session, do so immediately
    416         if (packet.d) {
    417           this.identifyResume();
    418           return;
    419         }
    420         // Reset the sequence
    421         this.sequence = -1;
    422         // Reset the session ID as it's invalid
    423         this.sessionID = undefined;
    424         // Set the status to reconnecting
    425         this.status = Status.RECONNECTING;
    426         // Finally, emit the INVALID_SESSION event
    427         this.emit(ShardEvents.INVALID_SESSION);
    428         break;
    429       case OPCodes.HEARTBEAT_ACK:
    430         this.ackHeartbeat();
    431         break;
    432       case OPCodes.HEARTBEAT:
    433         this.sendHeartbeat('HeartbeatRequest', true);
    434         break;
    435       default:
    436         this.manager.handlePacket(packet, this);
    437         if (this.status === Status.WAITING_FOR_GUILDS && packet.t === WSEvents.GUILD_CREATE) {
    438           this.expectedGuilds.delete(packet.d.id);
    439           this.checkReady();
    440         }
    441     }
    442   }
    444   /**
    445    * Checks if the shard can be marked as ready
    446    * @private
    447    */
    448   checkReady() {
    449     // Step 0. Clear the ready timeout, if it exists
    450     if (this.readyTimeout) {
    451       this.manager.client.clearTimeout(this.readyTimeout);
    452       this.readyTimeout = undefined;
    453     }
    454     // Step 1. If we don't have any other guilds pending, we are ready
    455     if (!this.expectedGuilds.size) {
    456       this.debug('Shard received all its guilds. Marking as fully ready.');
    457       this.status = Status.READY;
    459       /**
    460        * Emitted when the shard is fully ready.
    461        * This event is emitted if:
    462        * * all guilds were received by this shard
    463        * * the ready timeout expired, and some guilds are unavailable
    464        * @event WebSocketShard#allReady
    465        * @param {?Set<string>} unavailableGuilds Set of unavailable guilds, if any
    466        */
    467       this.emit(ShardEvents.ALL_READY);
    468       return;
    469     }
    470     // Step 2. Create a 15s timeout that will mark the shard as ready if there are still unavailable guilds
    471     this.readyTimeout = this.manager.client.setTimeout(() => {
    472       this.debug(`Shard did not receive any more guild packets in 15 seconds.
    473   Unavailable guild count: ${this.expectedGuilds.size}`);
    475       this.readyTimeout = undefined;
    477       this.status = Status.READY;
    479       this.emit(ShardEvents.ALL_READY, this.expectedGuilds);
    480     }, 15000);
    481   }
    483   /**
    484    * Sets the HELLO packet timeout.
    485    * @param {number} [time] If set to -1, it will clear the hello timeout timeout
    486    * @private
    487    */
    488   setHelloTimeout(time) {
    489     if (time === -1) {
    490       if (this.helloTimeout) {
    491         this.debug('Clearing the HELLO timeout.');
    492         this.manager.client.clearTimeout(this.helloTimeout);
    493         this.helloTimeout = undefined;
    494       }
    495       return;
    496     }
    497     this.debug('Setting a HELLO timeout for 20s.');
    498     this.helloTimeout = this.manager.client.setTimeout(() => {
    499       this.debug('Did not receive HELLO in time. Destroying and connecting again.');
    500       this.destroy({ reset: true, closeCode: 4009 });
    501     }, 20000);
    502   }
    504   /**
    505    * Sets the heartbeat timer for this shard.
    506    * @param {number} time If -1, clears the interval, any other number sets an interval
    507    * @private
    508    */
    509   setHeartbeatTimer(time) {
    510     if (time === -1) {
    511       if (this.heartbeatInterval) {
    512         this.debug('Clearing the heartbeat interval.');
    513         this.manager.client.clearInterval(this.heartbeatInterval);
    514         this.heartbeatInterval = undefined;
    515       }
    516       return;
    517     }
    518     this.debug(`Setting a heartbeat interval for ${time}ms.`);
    519     // Sanity checks
    520     if (this.heartbeatInterval) this.manager.client.clearInterval(this.heartbeatInterval);
    521     this.heartbeatInterval = this.manager.client.setInterval(() => this.sendHeartbeat(), time);
    522   }
    524   /**
    525    * Sends a heartbeat to the WebSocket.
    526    * If this shard didn't receive a heartbeat last time, it will destroy it and reconnect
    527    * @param {string} [tag='HeartbeatTimer'] What caused this heartbeat to be sent
    528    * @param {boolean} [ignoreHeartbeatAck] If we should send the heartbeat forcefully.
    529    * @private
    530    */
    531   sendHeartbeat(
    532     tag = 'HeartbeatTimer',
    533     ignoreHeartbeatAck = [Status.WAITING_FOR_GUILDS, Status.IDENTIFYING, Status.RESUMING].includes(this.status),
    534   ) {
    535     if (ignoreHeartbeatAck && !this.lastHeartbeatAcked) {
    536       this.debug(`[${tag}] Didn't process heartbeat ack yet but we are still connected. Sending one now.`);
    537     } else if (!this.lastHeartbeatAcked) {
    538       this.debug(
    539         `[${tag}] Didn't receive a heartbeat ack last time, assuming zombie connection. Destroying and reconnecting.
    540     Status          : ${STATUS_KEYS[this.status]}
    541     Sequence        : ${this.sequence}
    542     Connection State: ${this.connection ? CONNECTION_STATE[this.connection.readyState] : 'No Connection??'}`,
    543       );
    545       this.destroy({ closeCode: 4009, reset: true });
    546       return;
    547     }
    549     this.debug(`[${tag}] Sending a heartbeat.`);
    550     this.lastHeartbeatAcked = false;
    551     this.lastPingTimestamp = Date.now();
    552     this.send({ op: OPCodes.HEARTBEAT, d: this.sequence }, true);
    553   }
    555   /**
    556    * Acknowledges a heartbeat.
    557    * @private
    558    */
    559   ackHeartbeat() {
    560     this.lastHeartbeatAcked = true;
    561     const latency = Date.now() - this.lastPingTimestamp;
    562     this.debug(`Heartbeat acknowledged, latency of ${latency}ms.`);
    563     this.ping = latency;
    564   }
    566   /**
    567    * Identifies the client on the connection.
    568    * @private
    569    * @returns {void}
    570    */
    571   identify() {
    572     return this.sessionID ? this.identifyResume() : this.identifyNew();
    573   }
    575   /**
    576    * Identifies as a new connection on the gateway.
    577    * @private
    578    */
    579   identifyNew() {
    580     const { client } = this.manager;
    581     if (!client.token) {
    582       this.debug('[IDENTIFY] No token available to identify a new session.');
    583       return;
    584     }
    586     this.status = Status.IDENTIFYING;
    588     // Clone the identify payload and assign the token and shard info
    589     const d = {
    590       ...client.options.ws,
    591       token: client.token,
    592       shard: [this.id, Number(client.options.shardCount)],
    593     };
    595     this.debug(`[IDENTIFY] Shard ${this.id}/${client.options.shardCount}`);
    596     this.send({ op: OPCodes.IDENTIFY, d }, true);
    597   }
    599   /**
    600    * Resumes a session on the gateway.
    601    * @private
    602    */
    603   identifyResume() {
    604     if (!this.sessionID) {
    605       this.debug('[RESUME] No session ID was present; identifying as a new session.');
    606       this.identifyNew();
    607       return;
    608     }
    610     this.status = Status.RESUMING;
    612     this.debug(`[RESUME] Session ${this.sessionID}, sequence ${this.closeSequence}`);
    614     const d = {
    615       token: this.manager.client.token,
    616       session_id: this.sessionID,
    617       seq: this.closeSequence,
    618     };
    620     this.send({ op: OPCodes.RESUME, d }, true);
    621   }
    623   /**
    624    * Adds a packet to the queue to be sent to the gateway.
    625    * <warn>If you use this method, make sure you understand that you need to provide
    626    * a full [Payload](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#commands-and-events-gateway-commands).
    627    * Do not use this method if you don't know what you're doing.</warn>
    628    * @param {Object} data The full packet to send
    629    * @param {boolean} [important=false] If this packet should be added first in queue
    630    */
    631   send(data, important = false) {
    632     this.ratelimit.queue[important ? 'unshift' : 'push'](data);
    633     this.processQueue();
    634   }
    636   /**
    637    * Sends data, bypassing the queue.
    638    * @param {Object} data Packet to send
    639    * @returns {void}
    640    * @private
    641    */
    642   _send(data) {
    643     if (!this.connection || this.connection.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) {
    644       this.debug(`Tried to send packet '${JSON.stringify(data)}' but no WebSocket is available!`);
    645       this.destroy({ close: 4000 });
    646       return;
    647     }
    649     this.connection.send(WebSocket.pack(data), err => {
    650       if (err) this.manager.client.emit(Events.SHARD_ERROR, err, this.id);
    651     });
    652   }
    654   /**
    655    * Processes the current WebSocket queue.
    656    * @returns {void}
    657    * @private
    658    */
    659   processQueue() {
    660     if (this.ratelimit.remaining === 0) return;
    661     if (this.ratelimit.queue.length === 0) return;
    662     if (this.ratelimit.remaining === this.ratelimit.total) {
    663       this.ratelimit.timer = this.manager.client.setTimeout(() => {
    664         this.ratelimit.remaining = this.ratelimit.total;
    665         this.processQueue();
    666       }, this.ratelimit.time);
    667     }
    668     while (this.ratelimit.remaining > 0) {
    669       const item = this.ratelimit.queue.shift();
    670       if (!item) return;
    671       this._send(item);
    672       this.ratelimit.remaining--;
    673     }
    674   }
    676   /**
    677    * Destroys this shard and closes its WebSocket connection.
    678    * @param {Object} [options={ closeCode: 1000, reset: false, emit: true, log: true }] Options for destroying the shard
    679    * @private
    680    */
    681   destroy({ closeCode = 1000, reset = false, emit = true, log = true } = {}) {
    682     if (log) {
    683       this.debug(`[DESTROY]
    684     Close Code    : ${closeCode}
    685     Reset         : ${reset}
    686     Emit DESTROYED: ${emit}`);
    687     }
    689     // Step 0: Remove all timers
    690     this.setHeartbeatTimer(-1);
    691     this.setHelloTimeout(-1);
    693     // Step 1: Close the WebSocket connection, if any, otherwise, emit DESTROYED
    694     if (this.connection) {
    695       // If the connection is currently opened, we will (hopefully) receive close
    696       if (this.connection.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
    697         this.connection.close(closeCode);
    698       } else {
    699         // Connection is not OPEN
    700         this.debug(`WS State: ${CONNECTION_STATE[this.connection.readyState]}`);
    701         // Remove listeners from the connection
    702         this._cleanupConnection();
    703         // Attempt to close the connection just in case
    704         try {
    705           this.connection.close(closeCode);
    706         } catch {
    707           // No-op
    708         }
    709         // Emit the destroyed event if needed
    710         if (emit) this._emitDestroyed();
    711       }
    712     } else if (emit) {
    713       // We requested a destroy, but we had no connection. Emit destroyed
    714       this._emitDestroyed();
    715     }
    717     // Step 2: Null the connection object
    718     this.connection = null;
    720     // Step 3: Set the shard status to DISCONNECTED
    721     this.status = Status.DISCONNECTED;
    723     // Step 4: Cache the old sequence (use to attempt a resume)
    724     if (this.sequence !== -1) this.closeSequence = this.sequence;
    726     // Step 5: Reset the sequence and session ID if requested
    727     if (reset) {
    728       this.sequence = -1;
    729       this.sessionID = undefined;
    730     }
    732     // Step 6: reset the ratelimit data
    733     this.ratelimit.remaining = this.ratelimit.total;
    734     this.ratelimit.queue.length = 0;
    735     if (this.ratelimit.timer) {
    736       this.manager.client.clearTimeout(this.ratelimit.timer);
    737       this.ratelimit.timer = null;
    738     }
    739   }
    741   /**
    742    * Cleans up the WebSocket connection listeners.
    743    * @private
    744    */
    745   _cleanupConnection() {
    746     this.connection.onopen = this.connection.onclose = this.connection.onerror = this.connection.onmessage = null;
    747   }
    749   /**
    750    * Emits the DESTROYED event on the shard
    751    * @private
    752    */
    753   _emitDestroyed() {
    754     /**
    755      * Emitted when a shard is destroyed, but no WebSocket connection was present.
    756      * @private
    757      * @event WebSocketShard#destroyed
    758      */
    759     this.emit(ShardEvents.DESTROYED);
    760   }
    761 }
    763 module.exports = WebSocketShard;