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VoiceBroadcast.js (3350B)

      1 'use strict';
      3 const EventEmitter = require('events');
      4 const BroadcastAudioPlayer = require('./player/BroadcastAudioPlayer');
      5 const PlayInterface = require('./util/PlayInterface');
      6 const { Events } = require('../../util/Constants');
      8 /**
      9  * A voice broadcast can be played across multiple voice connections for improved shared-stream efficiency.
     10  *
     11  * Example usage:
     12  * ```js
     13  * const broadcast = client.voice.createBroadcast();
     14  * broadcast.play('./music.mp3');
     15  * // Play "music.mp3" in all voice connections that the client is in
     16  * for (const connection of client.voice.connections.values()) {
     17  *   connection.play(broadcast);
     18  * }
     19  * ```
     20  * @implements {PlayInterface}
     21  * @extends {EventEmitter}
     22  */
     23 class VoiceBroadcast extends EventEmitter {
     24   constructor(client) {
     25     super();
     26     /**
     27      * The client that created the broadcast
     28      * @type {Client}
     29      */
     30     this.client = client;
     31     /**
     32      * The subscribed StreamDispatchers of this broadcast
     33      * @type {StreamDispatcher[]}
     34      */
     35     this.subscribers = [];
     36     this.player = new BroadcastAudioPlayer(this);
     37   }
     39   /**
     40    * The current master dispatcher, if any. This dispatcher controls all that is played by subscribed dispatchers.
     41    * @type {?BroadcastDispatcher}
     42    * @readonly
     43    */
     44   get dispatcher() {
     45     return this.player.dispatcher;
     46   }
     48   /**
     49    * Play an audio resource.
     50    * @param {ReadableStream|string} resource The resource to play.
     51    * @param {StreamOptions} [options] The options to play.
     52    * @example
     53    * // Play a local audio file
     54    * broadcast.play('/home/hydrabolt/audio.mp3', { volume: 0.5 });
     55    * @example
     56    * // Play a ReadableStream
     57    * broadcast.play(ytdl('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlAU_w7-Xp8', { filter: 'audioonly' }));
     58    * @example
     59    * // Using different protocols: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-protocols.html
     60    * broadcast.play('http://www.sample-videos.com/audio/mp3/wave.mp3');
     61    * @returns {BroadcastDispatcher}
     62    */
     63   play() {
     64     return null;
     65   }
     67   /**
     68    * Ends the broadcast, unsubscribing all subscribed channels and deleting the broadcast
     69    */
     70   end() {
     71     for (const dispatcher of this.subscribers) this.delete(dispatcher);
     72     const index = this.client.voice.broadcasts.indexOf(this);
     73     if (index !== -1) this.client.voice.broadcasts.splice(index, 1);
     74   }
     76   add(dispatcher) {
     77     const index = this.subscribers.indexOf(dispatcher);
     78     if (index === -1) {
     79       this.subscribers.push(dispatcher);
     80       /**
     81        * Emitted whenever a stream dispatcher subscribes to the broadcast.
     82        * @event VoiceBroadcast#subscribe
     83        * @param {StreamDispatcher} subscriber The subscribed dispatcher
     84        */
     85       this.emit(Events.VOICE_BROADCAST_SUBSCRIBE, dispatcher);
     86       return true;
     87     } else {
     88       return false;
     89     }
     90   }
     92   delete(dispatcher) {
     93     const index = this.subscribers.indexOf(dispatcher);
     94     if (index !== -1) {
     95       this.subscribers.splice(index, 1);
     96       dispatcher.destroy();
     97       /**
     98        * Emitted whenever a stream dispatcher unsubscribes to the broadcast.
     99        * @event VoiceBroadcast#unsubscribe
    100        * @param {StreamDispatcher} dispatcher The unsubscribed dispatcher
    101        */
    102       this.emit(Events.VOICE_BROADCAST_UNSUBSCRIBE, dispatcher);
    103       return true;
    104     }
    105     return false;
    106   }
    107 }
    109 PlayInterface.applyToClass(VoiceBroadcast);
    111 module.exports = VoiceBroadcast;