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sshpk-conv.1 (3989B)

      1 .TH sshpk\-conv 1 "Jan 2016" sshpk "sshpk Commands"
      2 .SH NAME
      3 .PP
      4 sshpk\-conv \- convert between key formats
      5 .SH SYNOPSYS
      6 .PP
      7 \fB\fCsshpk\-conv\fR \-t FORMAT [FILENAME] [OPTIONS...]
      8 .PP
      9 \fB\fCsshpk\-conv\fR \-i [FILENAME] [OPTIONS...]
     11 .PP
     12 Reads in a public or private key and converts it between different formats,
     13 particularly formats used in the SSH protocol and the well\-known PEM PKCS#1/7
     14 formats.
     15 .PP
     16 In the second form, with the \fB\fC\-i\fR option given, identifies a key and prints to 
     17 stderr information about its nature, size and fingerprint.
     18 .SH EXAMPLES
     19 .PP
     20 Assume the following SSH\-format public key in \fB\\fR:
     21 .PP
     22 .RS
     23 .nf
     24 ecdsa\-sha2\-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTI...9M/4c4= user@host
     25 .fi
     26 .RE
     27 .PP
     28 Identify it with \fB\fC\-i\fR:
     29 .PP
     30 .RS
     31 .nf
     32 $ sshpk\-conv \-i
     33 id_ecdsa: a 256 bit ECDSA public key
     34 ECDSA curve: nistp256
     35 Comment: user@host
     36 Fingerprint:
     37   SHA256:vCNX7eUkdvqqW0m4PoxQAZRv+CM4P4fS8+CbliAvS4k
     38   81:ad:d5:57:e5:6f:7d:a2:93:79:56:af:d7:c0:38:51
     39 .fi
     40 .RE
     41 .PP
     42 Convert it to \fB\fCpkcs8\fR format, for use with e.g. OpenSSL:
     43 .PP
     44 .RS
     45 .nf
     46 $ sshpk\-conv \-t pkcs8 id_ecdsa
     47 \-\-\-\-\-BEGIN PUBLIC KEY\-\-\-\-\-
     49 zOt+kWJoijLnw3ZMYUKmAx+lD0I5XUxdrPcs1vH5f3cn9TvRvO9L0z/hzg==
     50 \-\-\-\-\-END PUBLIC KEY\-\-\-\-\-
     51 .fi
     52 .RE
     53 .PP
     54 Retrieve the public half of a private key:
     55 .PP
     56 .RS
     57 .nf
     58 $ openssl genrsa 2048 | sshpk\-conv \-t ssh \-c foo@bar
     59 ssh\-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAA...koK7 foo@bar
     60 .fi
     61 .RE
     62 .PP
     63 Convert a private key to PKCS#1 (OpenSSL) format from a new\-style OpenSSH key
     64 format (the \fB\fCssh\-keygen \-o\fR format):
     65 .PP
     66 .RS
     67 .nf
     68 $ ssh\-keygen \-o \-f foobar
     69 \&...
     70 $ sshpk\-conv \-p \-t pkcs1 foobar
     71 \-\-\-\-\-BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY\-\-\-\-\-
     73 \-\-\-\-\-END RSA PRIVATE KEY\-\-\-\-\-
     74 .fi
     75 .RE
     76 .SH OPTIONS
     77 .TP
     78 \fB\fC\-i, \-\-identify\fR
     79 Instead of converting the key, output identifying information about it to 
     80 stderr, including its type, size and fingerprints.
     81 .TP
     82 \fB\fC\-p, \-\-private\fR
     83 Treat the key as a private key instead of a public key (the default). If you
     84 supply \fB\fCsshpk\-conv\fR with a private key and do not give this option, it will
     85 extract only the public half of the key from it and work with that.
     86 .TP
     87 \fB\fC\-f PATH, \-\-file=PATH\fR
     88 Input file to take the key from instead of stdin. If a filename is supplied
     89 as a positional argument, it is equivalent to using this option.
     90 .TP
     91 \fB\fC\-o PATH, \-\-out=PATH\fR
     92 Output file name to use instead of stdout.
     93 .PP
     94 \fB\fC\-T FORMAT, \-\-informat=FORMAT\fR
     95 .TP
     96 \fB\fC\-t FORMAT, \-\-outformat=FORMAT\fR
     97 Selects the input and output formats to be used (see FORMATS, below).
     98 .TP
     99 \fB\fC\-c TEXT, \-\-comment=TEXT\fR
    100 Sets the key comment for the output file, if supported.
    101 .SH FORMATS
    102 .PP
    103 Currently supported formats:
    104 .TP
    105 \fB\fCpem, pkcs1\fR
    106 The standard PEM format used by older OpenSSH and most TLS libraries such as
    107 OpenSSL. The classic \fB\fCid_rsa\fR file is usually in this format. It is an ASN.1
    108 encoded structure, base64\-encoded and placed between PEM headers.
    109 .TP
    110 \fB\fCssh\fR
    111 The SSH public key text format (the format of an \fB\\fR file). A single
    112 line, containing 3 space separated parts: the key type, key body and optional
    113 key comment.
    114 .TP
    115 \fB\fCpkcs8\fR
    116 A newer PEM format, usually used only for public keys by TLS libraries such
    117 as OpenSSL. The ASN.1 structure is more generic than that of \fB\fCpkcs1\fR\&.
    118 .TP
    119 \fB\fCopenssh\fR
    120 The new \fB\fCssh\-keygen \-o\fR format from OpenSSH. This can be mistaken for a PEM
    121 encoding but is actually an OpenSSH internal format.
    122 .TP
    123 \fB\fCrfc4253\fR
    124 The internal binary format of keys when sent over the wire in the SSH
    125 protocol. This is also the format that the \fB\fCssh\-agent\fR uses in its protocol.
    126 .SH SEE ALSO
    127 .PP
    128 .BR ssh-keygen (1), 
    129 .BR openssl (1)
    130 .SH BUGS
    131 .PP
    132 Encrypted (password\-protected) keys are not supported.
    133 .PP
    134 Report bugs at Github
    135 \[la]\[ra]