
node.js static responsive blog post generator
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dumper.js (27488B)

      1 'use strict';
      3 /*eslint-disable no-use-before-define*/
      5 var common              = require('./common');
      6 var YAMLException       = require('./exception');
      7 var DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA = require('./schema/default_full');
      8 var DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA = require('./schema/default_safe');
     10 var _toString       = Object.prototype.toString;
     11 var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
     13 var CHAR_TAB                  = 0x09; /* Tab */
     14 var CHAR_LINE_FEED            = 0x0A; /* LF */
     15 var CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN      = 0x0D; /* CR */
     16 var CHAR_SPACE                = 0x20; /* Space */
     17 var CHAR_EXCLAMATION          = 0x21; /* ! */
     18 var CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE         = 0x22; /* " */
     19 var CHAR_SHARP                = 0x23; /* # */
     20 var CHAR_PERCENT              = 0x25; /* % */
     21 var CHAR_AMPERSAND            = 0x26; /* & */
     22 var CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE         = 0x27; /* ' */
     23 var CHAR_ASTERISK             = 0x2A; /* * */
     24 var CHAR_COMMA                = 0x2C; /* , */
     25 var CHAR_MINUS                = 0x2D; /* - */
     26 var CHAR_COLON                = 0x3A; /* : */
     27 var CHAR_EQUALS               = 0x3D; /* = */
     28 var CHAR_GREATER_THAN         = 0x3E; /* > */
     29 var CHAR_QUESTION             = 0x3F; /* ? */
     30 var CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT        = 0x40; /* @ */
     31 var CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET  = 0x5B; /* [ */
     32 var CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 0x5D; /* ] */
     33 var CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT         = 0x60; /* ` */
     34 var CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET   = 0x7B; /* { */
     35 var CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE        = 0x7C; /* | */
     36 var CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET  = 0x7D; /* } */
     38 var ESCAPE_SEQUENCES = {};
     40 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x00]   = '\\0';
     41 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x07]   = '\\a';
     42 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x08]   = '\\b';
     43 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x09]   = '\\t';
     44 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0A]   = '\\n';
     45 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0B]   = '\\v';
     46 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0C]   = '\\f';
     47 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0D]   = '\\r';
     48 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x1B]   = '\\e';
     49 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x22]   = '\\"';
     50 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x5C]   = '\\\\';
     51 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x85]   = '\\N';
     52 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0xA0]   = '\\_';
     53 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x2028] = '\\L';
     54 ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x2029] = '\\P';
     57   'y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES', 'on', 'On', 'ON',
     58   'n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO', 'off', 'Off', 'OFF'
     59 ];
     61 function compileStyleMap(schema, map) {
     62   var result, keys, index, length, tag, style, type;
     64   if (map === null) return {};
     66   result = {};
     67   keys = Object.keys(map);
     69   for (index = 0, length = keys.length; index < length; index += 1) {
     70     tag = keys[index];
     71     style = String(map[tag]);
     73     if (tag.slice(0, 2) === '!!') {
     74       tag = 'tag:yaml.org,2002:' + tag.slice(2);
     75     }
     76     type = schema.compiledTypeMap['fallback'][tag];
     78     if (type && _hasOwnProperty.call(type.styleAliases, style)) {
     79       style = type.styleAliases[style];
     80     }
     82     result[tag] = style;
     83   }
     85   return result;
     86 }
     88 function encodeHex(character) {
     89   var string, handle, length;
     91   string = character.toString(16).toUpperCase();
     93   if (character <= 0xFF) {
     94     handle = 'x';
     95     length = 2;
     96   } else if (character <= 0xFFFF) {
     97     handle = 'u';
     98     length = 4;
     99   } else if (character <= 0xFFFFFFFF) {
    100     handle = 'U';
    101     length = 8;
    102   } else {
    103     throw new YAMLException('code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF');
    104   }
    106   return '\\' + handle + common.repeat('0', length - string.length) + string;
    107 }
    109 function State(options) {
    110   this.schema        = options['schema'] || DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA;
    111   this.indent        = Math.max(1, (options['indent'] || 2));
    112   this.noArrayIndent = options['noArrayIndent'] || false;
    113   this.skipInvalid   = options['skipInvalid'] || false;
    114   this.flowLevel     = (common.isNothing(options['flowLevel']) ? -1 : options['flowLevel']);
    115   this.styleMap      = compileStyleMap(this.schema, options['styles'] || null);
    116   this.sortKeys      = options['sortKeys'] || false;
    117   this.lineWidth     = options['lineWidth'] || 80;
    118   this.noRefs        = options['noRefs'] || false;
    119   this.noCompatMode  = options['noCompatMode'] || false;
    120   this.condenseFlow  = options['condenseFlow'] || false;
    122   this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit;
    123   this.explicitTypes = this.schema.compiledExplicit;
    125   this.tag = null;
    126   this.result = '';
    128   this.duplicates = [];
    129   this.usedDuplicates = null;
    130 }
    132 // Indents every line in a string. Empty lines (\n only) are not indented.
    133 function indentString(string, spaces) {
    134   var ind = common.repeat(' ', spaces),
    135       position = 0,
    136       next = -1,
    137       result = '',
    138       line,
    139       length = string.length;
    141   while (position < length) {
    142     next = string.indexOf('\n', position);
    143     if (next === -1) {
    144       line = string.slice(position);
    145       position = length;
    146     } else {
    147       line = string.slice(position, next + 1);
    148       position = next + 1;
    149     }
    151     if (line.length && line !== '\n') result += ind;
    153     result += line;
    154   }
    156   return result;
    157 }
    159 function generateNextLine(state, level) {
    160   return '\n' + common.repeat(' ', state.indent * level);
    161 }
    163 function testImplicitResolving(state, str) {
    164   var index, length, type;
    166   for (index = 0, length = state.implicitTypes.length; index < length; index += 1) {
    167     type = state.implicitTypes[index];
    169     if (type.resolve(str)) {
    170       return true;
    171     }
    172   }
    174   return false;
    175 }
    177 // [33] s-white ::= s-space | s-tab
    178 function isWhitespace(c) {
    179   return c === CHAR_SPACE || c === CHAR_TAB;
    180 }
    182 // Returns true if the character can be printed without escaping.
    183 // From YAML 1.2: "any allowed characters known to be non-printable
    184 // should also be escaped. [However,] This isn’t mandatory"
    185 // Derived from nb-char - \t - #x85 - #xA0 - #x2028 - #x2029.
    186 function isPrintable(c) {
    187   return  (0x00020 <= c && c <= 0x00007E)
    188       || ((0x000A1 <= c && c <= 0x00D7FF) && c !== 0x2028 && c !== 0x2029)
    189       || ((0x0E000 <= c && c <= 0x00FFFD) && c !== 0xFEFF /* BOM */)
    190       ||  (0x10000 <= c && c <= 0x10FFFF);
    191 }
    193 // [34] ns-char ::= nb-char - s-white
    194 // [27] nb-char ::= c-printable - b-char - c-byte-order-mark
    195 // [26] b-char  ::= b-line-feed | b-carriage-return
    196 // [24] b-line-feed       ::=     #xA    /* LF */
    197 // [25] b-carriage-return ::=     #xD    /* CR */
    198 // [3]  c-byte-order-mark ::=     #xFEFF
    199 function isNsChar(c) {
    200   return isPrintable(c) && !isWhitespace(c)
    201     // byte-order-mark
    202     && c !== 0xFEFF
    203     // b-char
    204     && c !== CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN
    205     && c !== CHAR_LINE_FEED;
    206 }
    208 // Simplified test for values allowed after the first character in plain style.
    209 function isPlainSafe(c, prev) {
    210   // Uses a subset of nb-char - c-flow-indicator - ":" - "#"
    211   // where nb-char ::= c-printable - b-char - c-byte-order-mark.
    212   return isPrintable(c) && c !== 0xFEFF
    213     // - c-flow-indicator
    214     && c !== CHAR_COMMA
    215     && c !== CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET
    216     && c !== CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET
    217     && c !== CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET
    218     && c !== CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET
    219     // - ":" - "#"
    220     // /* An ns-char preceding */ "#"
    221     && c !== CHAR_COLON
    222     && ((c !== CHAR_SHARP) || (prev && isNsChar(prev)));
    223 }
    225 // Simplified test for values allowed as the first character in plain style.
    226 function isPlainSafeFirst(c) {
    227   // Uses a subset of ns-char - c-indicator
    228   // where ns-char = nb-char - s-white.
    229   return isPrintable(c) && c !== 0xFEFF
    230     && !isWhitespace(c) // - s-white
    231     // - (c-indicator ::=
    232     // “-” | “?” | “:” | “,” | “[” | “]” | “{” | “}”
    233     && c !== CHAR_MINUS
    234     && c !== CHAR_QUESTION
    235     && c !== CHAR_COLON
    236     && c !== CHAR_COMMA
    237     && c !== CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET
    238     && c !== CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET
    239     && c !== CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET
    240     && c !== CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET
    241     // | “#” | “&” | “*” | “!” | “|” | “=” | “>” | “'” | “"”
    242     && c !== CHAR_SHARP
    243     && c !== CHAR_AMPERSAND
    244     && c !== CHAR_ASTERISK
    245     && c !== CHAR_EXCLAMATION
    246     && c !== CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE
    247     && c !== CHAR_EQUALS
    248     && c !== CHAR_GREATER_THAN
    249     && c !== CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE
    250     && c !== CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE
    251     // | “%” | “@” | “`”)
    252     && c !== CHAR_PERCENT
    253     && c !== CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT
    254     && c !== CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT;
    255 }
    257 // Determines whether block indentation indicator is required.
    258 function needIndentIndicator(string) {
    259   var leadingSpaceRe = /^\n* /;
    260   return leadingSpaceRe.test(string);
    261 }
    263 var STYLE_PLAIN   = 1,
    264     STYLE_SINGLE  = 2,
    265     STYLE_LITERAL = 3,
    266     STYLE_FOLDED  = 4,
    267     STYLE_DOUBLE  = 5;
    269 // Determines which scalar styles are possible and returns the preferred style.
    270 // lineWidth = -1 => no limit.
    271 // Pre-conditions: str.length > 0.
    272 // Post-conditions:
    273 //    STYLE_PLAIN or STYLE_SINGLE => no \n are in the string.
    274 //    STYLE_LITERAL => no lines are suitable for folding (or lineWidth is -1).
    275 //    STYLE_FOLDED => a line > lineWidth and can be folded (and lineWidth != -1).
    276 function chooseScalarStyle(string, singleLineOnly, indentPerLevel, lineWidth, testAmbiguousType) {
    277   var i;
    278   var char, prev_char;
    279   var hasLineBreak = false;
    280   var hasFoldableLine = false; // only checked if shouldTrackWidth
    281   var shouldTrackWidth = lineWidth !== -1;
    282   var previousLineBreak = -1; // count the first line correctly
    283   var plain = isPlainSafeFirst(string.charCodeAt(0))
    284           && !isWhitespace(string.charCodeAt(string.length - 1));
    286   if (singleLineOnly) {
    287     // Case: no block styles.
    288     // Check for disallowed characters to rule out plain and single.
    289     for (i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
    290       char = string.charCodeAt(i);
    291       if (!isPrintable(char)) {
    292         return STYLE_DOUBLE;
    293       }
    294       prev_char = i > 0 ? string.charCodeAt(i - 1) : null;
    295       plain = plain && isPlainSafe(char, prev_char);
    296     }
    297   } else {
    298     // Case: block styles permitted.
    299     for (i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
    300       char = string.charCodeAt(i);
    301       if (char === CHAR_LINE_FEED) {
    302         hasLineBreak = true;
    303         // Check if any line can be folded.
    304         if (shouldTrackWidth) {
    305           hasFoldableLine = hasFoldableLine ||
    306             // Foldable line = too long, and not more-indented.
    307             (i - previousLineBreak - 1 > lineWidth &&
    308              string[previousLineBreak + 1] !== ' ');
    309           previousLineBreak = i;
    310         }
    311       } else if (!isPrintable(char)) {
    312         return STYLE_DOUBLE;
    313       }
    314       prev_char = i > 0 ? string.charCodeAt(i - 1) : null;
    315       plain = plain && isPlainSafe(char, prev_char);
    316     }
    317     // in case the end is missing a \n
    318     hasFoldableLine = hasFoldableLine || (shouldTrackWidth &&
    319       (i - previousLineBreak - 1 > lineWidth &&
    320        string[previousLineBreak + 1] !== ' '));
    321   }
    322   // Although every style can represent \n without escaping, prefer block styles
    323   // for multiline, since they're more readable and they don't add empty lines.
    324   // Also prefer folding a super-long line.
    325   if (!hasLineBreak && !hasFoldableLine) {
    326     // Strings interpretable as another type have to be quoted;
    327     // e.g. the string 'true' vs. the boolean true.
    328     return plain && !testAmbiguousType(string)
    329       ? STYLE_PLAIN : STYLE_SINGLE;
    330   }
    331   // Edge case: block indentation indicator can only have one digit.
    332   if (indentPerLevel > 9 && needIndentIndicator(string)) {
    333     return STYLE_DOUBLE;
    334   }
    335   // At this point we know block styles are valid.
    336   // Prefer literal style unless we want to fold.
    337   return hasFoldableLine ? STYLE_FOLDED : STYLE_LITERAL;
    338 }
    340 // Note: line breaking/folding is implemented for only the folded style.
    341 // NB. We drop the last trailing newline (if any) of a returned block scalar
    342 //  since the dumper adds its own newline. This always works:
    343 //    • No ending newline => unaffected; already using strip "-" chomping.
    344 //    • Ending newline    => removed then restored.
    345 //  Importantly, this keeps the "+" chomp indicator from gaining an extra line.
    346 function writeScalar(state, string, level, iskey) {
    347   state.dump = (function () {
    348     if (string.length === 0) {
    349       return "''";
    350     }
    351     if (!state.noCompatMode &&
    352         DEPRECATED_BOOLEANS_SYNTAX.indexOf(string) !== -1) {
    353       return "'" + string + "'";
    354     }
    356     var indent = state.indent * Math.max(1, level); // no 0-indent scalars
    357     // As indentation gets deeper, let the width decrease monotonically
    358     // to the lower bound min(state.lineWidth, 40).
    359     // Note that this implies
    360     //  state.lineWidth ≤ 40 + state.indent: width is fixed at the lower bound.
    361     //  state.lineWidth > 40 + state.indent: width decreases until the lower bound.
    362     // This behaves better than a constant minimum width which disallows narrower options,
    363     // or an indent threshold which causes the width to suddenly increase.
    364     var lineWidth = state.lineWidth === -1
    365       ? -1 : Math.max(Math.min(state.lineWidth, 40), state.lineWidth - indent);
    367     // Without knowing if keys are implicit/explicit, assume implicit for safety.
    368     var singleLineOnly = iskey
    369       // No block styles in flow mode.
    370       || (state.flowLevel > -1 && level >= state.flowLevel);
    371     function testAmbiguity(string) {
    372       return testImplicitResolving(state, string);
    373     }
    375     switch (chooseScalarStyle(string, singleLineOnly, state.indent, lineWidth, testAmbiguity)) {
    376       case STYLE_PLAIN:
    377         return string;
    378       case STYLE_SINGLE:
    379         return "'" + string.replace(/'/g, "''") + "'";
    380       case STYLE_LITERAL:
    381         return '|' + blockHeader(string, state.indent)
    382           + dropEndingNewline(indentString(string, indent));
    383       case STYLE_FOLDED:
    384         return '>' + blockHeader(string, state.indent)
    385           + dropEndingNewline(indentString(foldString(string, lineWidth), indent));
    386       case STYLE_DOUBLE:
    387         return '"' + escapeString(string, lineWidth) + '"';
    388       default:
    389         throw new YAMLException('impossible error: invalid scalar style');
    390     }
    391   }());
    392 }
    394 // Pre-conditions: string is valid for a block scalar, 1 <= indentPerLevel <= 9.
    395 function blockHeader(string, indentPerLevel) {
    396   var indentIndicator = needIndentIndicator(string) ? String(indentPerLevel) : '';
    398   // note the special case: the string '\n' counts as a "trailing" empty line.
    399   var clip =          string[string.length - 1] === '\n';
    400   var keep = clip && (string[string.length - 2] === '\n' || string === '\n');
    401   var chomp = keep ? '+' : (clip ? '' : '-');
    403   return indentIndicator + chomp + '\n';
    404 }
    406 // (See the note for writeScalar.)
    407 function dropEndingNewline(string) {
    408   return string[string.length - 1] === '\n' ? string.slice(0, -1) : string;
    409 }
    411 // Note: a long line without a suitable break point will exceed the width limit.
    412 // Pre-conditions: every char in str isPrintable, str.length > 0, width > 0.
    413 function foldString(string, width) {
    414   // In folded style, $k$ consecutive newlines output as $k+1$ newlines—
    415   // unless they're before or after a more-indented line, or at the very
    416   // beginning or end, in which case $k$ maps to $k$.
    417   // Therefore, parse each chunk as newline(s) followed by a content line.
    418   var lineRe = /(\n+)([^\n]*)/g;
    420   // first line (possibly an empty line)
    421   var result = (function () {
    422     var nextLF = string.indexOf('\n');
    423     nextLF = nextLF !== -1 ? nextLF : string.length;
    424     lineRe.lastIndex = nextLF;
    425     return foldLine(string.slice(0, nextLF), width);
    426   }());
    427   // If we haven't reached the first content line yet, don't add an extra \n.
    428   var prevMoreIndented = string[0] === '\n' || string[0] === ' ';
    429   var moreIndented;
    431   // rest of the lines
    432   var match;
    433   while ((match = lineRe.exec(string))) {
    434     var prefix = match[1], line = match[2];
    435     moreIndented = (line[0] === ' ');
    436     result += prefix
    437       + (!prevMoreIndented && !moreIndented && line !== ''
    438         ? '\n' : '')
    439       + foldLine(line, width);
    440     prevMoreIndented = moreIndented;
    441   }
    443   return result;
    444 }
    446 // Greedy line breaking.
    447 // Picks the longest line under the limit each time,
    448 // otherwise settles for the shortest line over the limit.
    449 // NB. More-indented lines *cannot* be folded, as that would add an extra \n.
    450 function foldLine(line, width) {
    451   if (line === '' || line[0] === ' ') return line;
    453   // Since a more-indented line adds a \n, breaks can't be followed by a space.
    454   var breakRe = / [^ ]/g; // note: the match index will always be <= length-2.
    455   var match;
    456   // start is an inclusive index. end, curr, and next are exclusive.
    457   var start = 0, end, curr = 0, next = 0;
    458   var result = '';
    460   // Invariants: 0 <= start <= length-1.
    461   //   0 <= curr <= next <= max(0, length-2). curr - start <= width.
    462   // Inside the loop:
    463   //   A match implies length >= 2, so curr and next are <= length-2.
    464   while ((match = breakRe.exec(line))) {
    465     next = match.index;
    466     // maintain invariant: curr - start <= width
    467     if (next - start > width) {
    468       end = (curr > start) ? curr : next; // derive end <= length-2
    469       result += '\n' + line.slice(start, end);
    470       // skip the space that was output as \n
    471       start = end + 1;                    // derive start <= length-1
    472     }
    473     curr = next;
    474   }
    476   // By the invariants, start <= length-1, so there is something left over.
    477   // It is either the whole string or a part starting from non-whitespace.
    478   result += '\n';
    479   // Insert a break if the remainder is too long and there is a break available.
    480   if (line.length - start > width && curr > start) {
    481     result += line.slice(start, curr) + '\n' + line.slice(curr + 1);
    482   } else {
    483     result += line.slice(start);
    484   }
    486   return result.slice(1); // drop extra \n joiner
    487 }
    489 // Escapes a double-quoted string.
    490 function escapeString(string) {
    491   var result = '';
    492   var char, nextChar;
    493   var escapeSeq;
    495   for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
    496     char = string.charCodeAt(i);
    497     // Check for surrogate pairs (reference Unicode 3.0 section "3.7 Surrogates").
    498     if (char >= 0xD800 && char <= 0xDBFF/* high surrogate */) {
    499       nextChar = string.charCodeAt(i + 1);
    500       if (nextChar >= 0xDC00 && nextChar <= 0xDFFF/* low surrogate */) {
    501         // Combine the surrogate pair and store it escaped.
    502         result += encodeHex((char - 0xD800) * 0x400 + nextChar - 0xDC00 + 0x10000);
    503         // Advance index one extra since we already used that char here.
    504         i++; continue;
    505       }
    506     }
    507     escapeSeq = ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[char];
    508     result += !escapeSeq && isPrintable(char)
    509       ? string[i]
    510       : escapeSeq || encodeHex(char);
    511   }
    513   return result;
    514 }
    516 function writeFlowSequence(state, level, object) {
    517   var _result = '',
    518       _tag    = state.tag,
    519       index,
    520       length;
    522   for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
    523     // Write only valid elements.
    524     if (writeNode(state, level, object[index], false, false)) {
    525       if (index !== 0) _result += ',' + (!state.condenseFlow ? ' ' : '');
    526       _result += state.dump;
    527     }
    528   }
    530   state.tag = _tag;
    531   state.dump = '[' + _result + ']';
    532 }
    534 function writeBlockSequence(state, level, object, compact) {
    535   var _result = '',
    536       _tag    = state.tag,
    537       index,
    538       length;
    540   for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
    541     // Write only valid elements.
    542     if (writeNode(state, level + 1, object[index], true, true)) {
    543       if (!compact || index !== 0) {
    544         _result += generateNextLine(state, level);
    545       }
    547       if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {
    548         _result += '-';
    549       } else {
    550         _result += '- ';
    551       }
    553       _result += state.dump;
    554     }
    555   }
    557   state.tag = _tag;
    558   state.dump = _result || '[]'; // Empty sequence if no valid values.
    559 }
    561 function writeFlowMapping(state, level, object) {
    562   var _result       = '',
    563       _tag          = state.tag,
    564       objectKeyList = Object.keys(object),
    565       index,
    566       length,
    567       objectKey,
    568       objectValue,
    569       pairBuffer;
    571   for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
    573     pairBuffer = '';
    574     if (index !== 0) pairBuffer += ', ';
    576     if (state.condenseFlow) pairBuffer += '"';
    578     objectKey = objectKeyList[index];
    579     objectValue = object[objectKey];
    581     if (!writeNode(state, level, objectKey, false, false)) {
    582       continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid key;
    583     }
    585     if (state.dump.length > 1024) pairBuffer += '? ';
    587     pairBuffer += state.dump + (state.condenseFlow ? '"' : '') + ':' + (state.condenseFlow ? '' : ' ');
    589     if (!writeNode(state, level, objectValue, false, false)) {
    590       continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid value.
    591     }
    593     pairBuffer += state.dump;
    595     // Both key and value are valid.
    596     _result += pairBuffer;
    597   }
    599   state.tag = _tag;
    600   state.dump = '{' + _result + '}';
    601 }
    603 function writeBlockMapping(state, level, object, compact) {
    604   var _result       = '',
    605       _tag          = state.tag,
    606       objectKeyList = Object.keys(object),
    607       index,
    608       length,
    609       objectKey,
    610       objectValue,
    611       explicitPair,
    612       pairBuffer;
    614   // Allow sorting keys so that the output file is deterministic
    615   if (state.sortKeys === true) {
    616     // Default sorting
    617     objectKeyList.sort();
    618   } else if (typeof state.sortKeys === 'function') {
    619     // Custom sort function
    620     objectKeyList.sort(state.sortKeys);
    621   } else if (state.sortKeys) {
    622     // Something is wrong
    623     throw new YAMLException('sortKeys must be a boolean or a function');
    624   }
    626   for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
    627     pairBuffer = '';
    629     if (!compact || index !== 0) {
    630       pairBuffer += generateNextLine(state, level);
    631     }
    633     objectKey = objectKeyList[index];
    634     objectValue = object[objectKey];
    636     if (!writeNode(state, level + 1, objectKey, true, true, true)) {
    637       continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid key.
    638     }
    640     explicitPair = (state.tag !== null && state.tag !== '?') ||
    641                    (state.dump && state.dump.length > 1024);
    643     if (explicitPair) {
    644       if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {
    645         pairBuffer += '?';
    646       } else {
    647         pairBuffer += '? ';
    648       }
    649     }
    651     pairBuffer += state.dump;
    653     if (explicitPair) {
    654       pairBuffer += generateNextLine(state, level);
    655     }
    657     if (!writeNode(state, level + 1, objectValue, true, explicitPair)) {
    658       continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid value.
    659     }
    661     if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {
    662       pairBuffer += ':';
    663     } else {
    664       pairBuffer += ': ';
    665     }
    667     pairBuffer += state.dump;
    669     // Both key and value are valid.
    670     _result += pairBuffer;
    671   }
    673   state.tag = _tag;
    674   state.dump = _result || '{}'; // Empty mapping if no valid pairs.
    675 }
    677 function detectType(state, object, explicit) {
    678   var _result, typeList, index, length, type, style;
    680   typeList = explicit ? state.explicitTypes : state.implicitTypes;
    682   for (index = 0, length = typeList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
    683     type = typeList[index];
    685     if ((type.instanceOf  || type.predicate) &&
    686         (!type.instanceOf || ((typeof object === 'object') && (object instanceof type.instanceOf))) &&
    687         (!type.predicate  || type.predicate(object))) {
    689       state.tag = explicit ? type.tag : '?';
    691       if (type.represent) {
    692         style = state.styleMap[type.tag] || type.defaultStyle;
    694         if (_toString.call(type.represent) === '[object Function]') {
    695           _result = type.represent(object, style);
    696         } else if (_hasOwnProperty.call(type.represent, style)) {
    697           _result = type.represent[style](object, style);
    698         } else {
    699           throw new YAMLException('!<' + type.tag + '> tag resolver accepts not "' + style + '" style');
    700         }
    702         state.dump = _result;
    703       }
    705       return true;
    706     }
    707   }
    709   return false;
    710 }
    712 // Serializes `object` and writes it to global `result`.
    713 // Returns true on success, or false on invalid object.
    714 //
    715 function writeNode(state, level, object, block, compact, iskey) {
    716   state.tag = null;
    717   state.dump = object;
    719   if (!detectType(state, object, false)) {
    720     detectType(state, object, true);
    721   }
    723   var type = _toString.call(state.dump);
    725   if (block) {
    726     block = (state.flowLevel < 0 || state.flowLevel > level);
    727   }
    729   var objectOrArray = type === '[object Object]' || type === '[object Array]',
    730       duplicateIndex,
    731       duplicate;
    733   if (objectOrArray) {
    734     duplicateIndex = state.duplicates.indexOf(object);
    735     duplicate = duplicateIndex !== -1;
    736   }
    738   if ((state.tag !== null && state.tag !== '?') || duplicate || (state.indent !== 2 && level > 0)) {
    739     compact = false;
    740   }
    742   if (duplicate && state.usedDuplicates[duplicateIndex]) {
    743     state.dump = '*ref_' + duplicateIndex;
    744   } else {
    745     if (objectOrArray && duplicate && !state.usedDuplicates[duplicateIndex]) {
    746       state.usedDuplicates[duplicateIndex] = true;
    747     }
    748     if (type === '[object Object]') {
    749       if (block && (Object.keys(state.dump).length !== 0)) {
    750         writeBlockMapping(state, level, state.dump, compact);
    751         if (duplicate) {
    752           state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + state.dump;
    753         }
    754       } else {
    755         writeFlowMapping(state, level, state.dump);
    756         if (duplicate) {
    757           state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + ' ' + state.dump;
    758         }
    759       }
    760     } else if (type === '[object Array]') {
    761       var arrayLevel = (state.noArrayIndent && (level > 0)) ? level - 1 : level;
    762       if (block && (state.dump.length !== 0)) {
    763         writeBlockSequence(state, arrayLevel, state.dump, compact);
    764         if (duplicate) {
    765           state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + state.dump;
    766         }
    767       } else {
    768         writeFlowSequence(state, arrayLevel, state.dump);
    769         if (duplicate) {
    770           state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + ' ' + state.dump;
    771         }
    772       }
    773     } else if (type === '[object String]') {
    774       if (state.tag !== '?') {
    775         writeScalar(state, state.dump, level, iskey);
    776       }
    777     } else {
    778       if (state.skipInvalid) return false;
    779       throw new YAMLException('unacceptable kind of an object to dump ' + type);
    780     }
    782     if (state.tag !== null && state.tag !== '?') {
    783       state.dump = '!<' + state.tag + '> ' + state.dump;
    784     }
    785   }
    787   return true;
    788 }
    790 function getDuplicateReferences(object, state) {
    791   var objects = [],
    792       duplicatesIndexes = [],
    793       index,
    794       length;
    796   inspectNode(object, objects, duplicatesIndexes);
    798   for (index = 0, length = duplicatesIndexes.length; index < length; index += 1) {
    799     state.duplicates.push(objects[duplicatesIndexes[index]]);
    800   }
    801   state.usedDuplicates = new Array(length);
    802 }
    804 function inspectNode(object, objects, duplicatesIndexes) {
    805   var objectKeyList,
    806       index,
    807       length;
    809   if (object !== null && typeof object === 'object') {
    810     index = objects.indexOf(object);
    811     if (index !== -1) {
    812       if (duplicatesIndexes.indexOf(index) === -1) {
    813         duplicatesIndexes.push(index);
    814       }
    815     } else {
    816       objects.push(object);
    818       if (Array.isArray(object)) {
    819         for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
    820           inspectNode(object[index], objects, duplicatesIndexes);
    821         }
    822       } else {
    823         objectKeyList = Object.keys(object);
    825         for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
    826           inspectNode(object[objectKeyList[index]], objects, duplicatesIndexes);
    827         }
    828       }
    829     }
    830   }
    831 }
    833 function dump(input, options) {
    834   options = options || {};
    836   var state = new State(options);
    838   if (!state.noRefs) getDuplicateReferences(input, state);
    840   if (writeNode(state, 0, input, true, true)) return state.dump + '\n';
    842   return '';
    843 }
    845 function safeDump(input, options) {
    846   return dump(input, common.extend({ schema: DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA }, options));
    847 }
    849 module.exports.dump     = dump;
    850 module.exports.safeDump = safeDump;