
node.js static responsive blog post generator
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yaml.js (4411B)

      1 /*
      2 Language: YAML
      3 Description: Yet Another Markdown Language
      4 Author: Stefan Wienert <stwienert@gmail.com>
      5 Contributors: Carl Baxter <carl@cbax.tech>
      6 Requires: ruby.js
      7 Website: https://yaml.org
      8 Category: common, config
      9 */
     10 function yaml(hljs) {
     11   var LITERALS = 'true false yes no null';
     13   // YAML spec allows non-reserved URI characters in tags.
     14   var URI_CHARACTERS = '[\\w#;/?:@&=+$,.~*\\\'()[\\]]+';
     16   // Define keys as starting with a word character
     17   // ...containing word chars, spaces, colons, forward-slashes, hyphens and periods
     18   // ...and ending with a colon followed immediately by a space, tab or newline.
     19   // The YAML spec allows for much more than this, but this covers most use-cases.
     20   var KEY = {
     21     className: 'attr',
     22     variants: [
     23       { begin: '\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*:(?=[ \t]|$)' },
     24       { begin: '"\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*":(?=[ \t]|$)' }, // double quoted keys
     25       { begin: '\'\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*\':(?=[ \t]|$)' } // single quoted keys
     26     ]
     27   };
     29   var TEMPLATE_VARIABLES = {
     30     className: 'template-variable',
     31     variants: [
     32       { begin: '{{', end: '}}' }, // jinja templates Ansible
     33       { begin: '%{', end: '}' } // Ruby i18n
     34     ]
     35   };
     36   var STRING = {
     37     className: 'string',
     38     relevance: 0,
     39     variants: [
     40       { begin: /'/, end: /'/ },
     41       { begin: /"/, end: /"/ },
     42       { begin: /\S+/ }
     43     ],
     44     contains: [
     45       hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE,
     47     ]
     48   };
     50   // Strings inside of value containers (objects) can't contain braces,
     51   // brackets, or commas
     52   var CONTAINER_STRING = hljs.inherit(STRING, {
     53     variants: [
     54       { begin: /'/, end: /'/ },
     55       { begin: /"/, end: /"/ },
     56       { begin: /[^\s,{}[\]]+/ }
     57     ]
     58   });
     60   var DATE_RE = '[0-9]{4}(-[0-9][0-9]){0,2}';
     61   var TIME_RE = '([Tt \\t][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9]){2})?';
     62   var FRACTION_RE = '(\\.[0-9]*)?';
     63   var ZONE_RE = '([ \\t])*(Z|[-+][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9])?)?';
     64   var TIMESTAMP = {
     65     className: 'number',
     66     begin: '\\b' + DATE_RE + TIME_RE + FRACTION_RE + ZONE_RE + '\\b'
     67   };
     69   var VALUE_CONTAINER = {
     70     end: ',',
     71     endsWithParent: true,
     72     excludeEnd: true,
     73     contains: [],
     74     keywords: LITERALS,
     75     relevance: 0
     76   };
     77   var OBJECT = {
     78     begin: '{',
     79     end: '}',
     80     contains: [VALUE_CONTAINER],
     81     illegal: '\\n',
     82     relevance: 0
     83   };
     84   var ARRAY = {
     85     begin: '\\[',
     86     end: '\\]',
     87     contains: [VALUE_CONTAINER],
     88     illegal: '\\n',
     89     relevance: 0
     90   };
     92   var MODES = [
     93     KEY,
     94     {
     95       className: 'meta',
     96       begin: '^---\s*$',
     97       relevance: 10
     98     },
     99     { // multi line string
    100       // Blocks start with a | or > followed by a newline
    101       //
    102       // Indentation of subsequent lines must be the same to
    103       // be considered part of the block
    104       className: 'string',
    105       begin: '[\\|>]([0-9]?[+-])?[ ]*\\n( *)[\\S ]+\\n(\\2[\\S ]+\\n?)*'
    106     },
    107     { // Ruby/Rails erb
    108       begin: '<%[%=-]?',
    109       end: '[%-]?%>',
    110       subLanguage: 'ruby',
    111       excludeBegin: true,
    112       excludeEnd: true,
    113       relevance: 0
    114     },
    115     { // named tags
    116       className: 'type',
    117       begin: '!\\w+!' + URI_CHARACTERS
    118     },
    119     // https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2784064
    120     { // verbatim tags
    121       className: 'type',
    122       begin: '!<' + URI_CHARACTERS + ">"
    123     },
    124     { // primary tags
    125       className: 'type',
    126       begin: '!' + URI_CHARACTERS
    127     },
    128     { // secondary tags
    129       className: 'type',
    130       begin: '!!' + URI_CHARACTERS
    131     },
    132     { // fragment id &ref
    133       className: 'meta',
    134       begin: '&' + hljs.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + '$'
    135     },
    136     { // fragment reference *ref
    137       className: 'meta',
    138       begin: '\\*' + hljs.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + '$'
    139     },
    140     { // array listing
    141       className: 'bullet',
    142       // TODO: remove |$ hack when we have proper look-ahead support
    143       begin: '\\-(?=[ ]|$)',
    144       relevance: 0
    145     },
    146     hljs.HASH_COMMENT_MODE,
    147     {
    148       beginKeywords: LITERALS,
    149       keywords: { literal: LITERALS }
    150     },
    151     TIMESTAMP,
    152     // numbers are any valid C-style number that
    153     // sit isolated from other words
    154     {
    155       className: 'number',
    156       begin: hljs.C_NUMBER_RE + '\\b'
    157     },
    158     OBJECT,
    159     ARRAY,
    160     STRING
    161   ];
    163   var VALUE_MODES = [...MODES];
    164   VALUE_MODES.pop();
    166   VALUE_CONTAINER.contains = VALUE_MODES;
    168   return {
    169     name: 'YAML',
    170     case_insensitive: true,
    171     aliases: ['yml', 'YAML'],
    172     contains: MODES
    173   };
    174 }
    176 module.exports = yaml;