
node.js static responsive blog post generator
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xl.js (2536B)

      1 /*
      2 Language: XL
      3 Author: Christophe de Dinechin <christophe@taodyne.com>
      4 Description: An extensible programming language, based on parse tree rewriting
      5 Website: http://xlr.sf.net
      6 */
      8 function xl(hljs) {
      9   var BUILTIN_MODULES =
     10     'ObjectLoader Animate MovieCredits Slides Filters Shading Materials LensFlare Mapping VLCAudioVideo ' +
     11     'StereoDecoder PointCloud NetworkAccess RemoteControl RegExp ChromaKey Snowfall NodeJS Speech Charts';
     13   var XL_KEYWORDS = {
     14     $pattern: /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_?]*/,
     15     keyword:
     16       'if then else do while until for loop import with is as where when by data constant ' +
     17       'integer real text name boolean symbol infix prefix postfix block tree',
     18     literal:
     19       'true false nil',
     20     built_in:
     21       'in mod rem and or xor not abs sign floor ceil sqrt sin cos tan asin ' +
     22       'acos atan exp expm1 log log2 log10 log1p pi at text_length text_range ' +
     23       'text_find text_replace contains page slide basic_slide title_slide ' +
     24       'title subtitle fade_in fade_out fade_at clear_color color line_color ' +
     25       'line_width texture_wrap texture_transform texture scale_?x scale_?y ' +
     26       'scale_?z? translate_?x translate_?y translate_?z? rotate_?x rotate_?y ' +
     27       'rotate_?z? rectangle circle ellipse sphere path line_to move_to ' +
     28       'quad_to curve_to theme background contents locally time mouse_?x ' +
     29       'mouse_?y mouse_buttons ' +
     30       BUILTIN_MODULES
     31   };
     33   var DOUBLE_QUOTE_TEXT = {
     34     className: 'string',
     35     begin: '"', end: '"', illegal: '\\n'
     36   };
     37   var SINGLE_QUOTE_TEXT = {
     38     className: 'string',
     39     begin: '\'', end: '\'', illegal: '\\n'
     40   };
     41   var LONG_TEXT = {
     42     className: 'string',
     43     begin: '<<', end: '>>'
     44   };
     45   var BASED_NUMBER = {
     46     className: 'number',
     47     begin: '[0-9]+#[0-9A-Z_]+(\\.[0-9-A-Z_]+)?#?([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?'
     48   };
     49   var IMPORT = {
     50     beginKeywords: 'import', end: '$',
     51     keywords: XL_KEYWORDS,
     52     contains: [DOUBLE_QUOTE_TEXT]
     53   };
     54   var FUNCTION_DEFINITION = {
     55     className: 'function',
     56     begin: /[a-z][^\n]*->/, returnBegin: true, end: /->/,
     57     contains: [
     58       hljs.inherit(hljs.TITLE_MODE, {starts: {
     59         endsWithParent: true,
     60         keywords: XL_KEYWORDS
     61       }})
     62     ]
     63   };
     64   return {
     65     name: 'XL',
     66     aliases: ['tao'],
     67     keywords: XL_KEYWORDS,
     68     contains: [
     69     hljs.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE,
     70     hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE,
     71     DOUBLE_QUOTE_TEXT,
     72     SINGLE_QUOTE_TEXT,
     73     LONG_TEXT,
     75     IMPORT,
     76     BASED_NUMBER,
     77     hljs.NUMBER_MODE
     78     ]
     79   };
     80 }
     82 module.exports = xl;