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swift.js (5378B)

      1 /*
      2 Language: Swift
      3 Description: Swift is a general-purpose programming language built using a modern approach to safety, performance, and software design patterns.
      4 Author: Chris Eidhof <chris@eidhof.nl>
      5 Contributors: Nate Cook <natecook@gmail.com>, Alexander Lichter <manniL@gmx.net>
      6 Website: https://swift.org
      7 Category: common, system
      8 */
     11 function swift(hljs) {
     12   var SWIFT_KEYWORDS = {
     13       keyword: '#available #colorLiteral #column #else #elseif #endif #file ' +
     14         '#fileLiteral #function #if #imageLiteral #line #selector #sourceLocation ' +
     15         '_ __COLUMN__ __FILE__ __FUNCTION__ __LINE__ Any as as! as? associatedtype ' +
     16         'associativity break case catch class continue convenience default defer deinit didSet do ' +
     17         'dynamic dynamicType else enum extension fallthrough false fileprivate final for func ' +
     18         'get guard if import in indirect infix init inout internal is lazy left let ' +
     19         'mutating nil none nonmutating open operator optional override postfix precedence ' +
     20         'prefix private protocol Protocol public repeat required rethrows return ' +
     21         'right self Self set static struct subscript super switch throw throws true ' +
     22         'try try! try? Type typealias unowned var weak where while willSet',
     23       literal: 'true false nil',
     24       built_in: 'abs advance alignof alignofValue anyGenerator assert assertionFailure ' +
     25         'bridgeFromObjectiveC bridgeFromObjectiveCUnconditional bridgeToObjectiveC ' +
     26         'bridgeToObjectiveCUnconditional c compactMap contains count countElements countLeadingZeros ' +
     27         'debugPrint debugPrintln distance dropFirst dropLast dump encodeBitsAsWords ' +
     28         'enumerate equal fatalError filter find getBridgedObjectiveCType getVaList ' +
     29         'indices insertionSort isBridgedToObjectiveC isBridgedVerbatimToObjectiveC ' +
     30         'isUniquelyReferenced isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC join lazy lexicographicalCompare ' +
     31         'map max maxElement min minElement numericCast overlaps partition posix ' +
     32         'precondition preconditionFailure print println quickSort readLine reduce reflect ' +
     33         'reinterpretCast reverse roundUpToAlignment sizeof sizeofValue sort split ' +
     34         'startsWith stride strideof strideofValue swap toString transcode ' +
     35         'underestimateCount unsafeAddressOf unsafeBitCast unsafeDowncast unsafeUnwrap ' +
     36         'unsafeReflect withExtendedLifetime withObjectAtPlusZero withUnsafePointer ' +
     37         'withUnsafePointerToObject withUnsafeMutablePointer withUnsafeMutablePointers ' +
     38         'withUnsafePointer withUnsafePointers withVaList zip'
     39     };
     41   var TYPE = {
     42     className: 'type',
     43     begin: '\\b[A-Z][\\w\u00C0-\u02B8\']*',
     44     relevance: 0
     45   };
     46   // slightly more special to swift
     47   var OPTIONAL_USING_TYPE = {
     48     className: 'type',
     49     begin: '\\b[A-Z][\\w\u00C0-\u02B8\']*[!?]'
     50   };
     51   var BLOCK_COMMENT = hljs.COMMENT(
     52     '/\\*',
     53     '\\*/',
     54     {
     55       contains: ['self']
     56     }
     57   );
     58   var SUBST = {
     59     className: 'subst',
     60     begin: /\\\(/, end: '\\)',
     61     keywords: SWIFT_KEYWORDS,
     62     contains: [] // assigned later
     63   };
     64   var STRING = {
     65     className: 'string',
     66     contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, SUBST],
     67     variants: [
     68       {begin: /"""/, end: /"""/},
     69       {begin: /"/, end: /"/},
     70     ]
     71   };
     72   var NUMBERS = {
     73       className: 'number',
     74       begin: '\\b([\\d_]+(\\.[\\deE_]+)?|0x[a-fA-F0-9_]+(\\.[a-fA-F0-9p_]+)?|0b[01_]+|0o[0-7_]+)\\b',
     75       relevance: 0
     76   };
     77   SUBST.contains = [NUMBERS];
     79   return {
     80     name: 'Swift',
     81     keywords: SWIFT_KEYWORDS,
     82     contains: [
     83       STRING,
     84       hljs.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE,
     85       BLOCK_COMMENT,
     86       OPTIONAL_USING_TYPE,
     87       TYPE,
     88       NUMBERS,
     89       {
     90         className: 'function',
     91         beginKeywords: 'func', end: '{', excludeEnd: true,
     92         contains: [
     93           hljs.inherit(hljs.TITLE_MODE, {
     94             begin: /[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*/
     95           }),
     96           {
     97             begin: /</, end: />/
     98           },
     99           {
    100             className: 'params',
    101             begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, endsParent: true,
    102             keywords: SWIFT_KEYWORDS,
    103             contains: [
    104               'self',
    105               NUMBERS,
    106               STRING,
    107               hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE,
    108               {begin: ':'} // relevance booster
    109             ],
    110             illegal: /["']/
    111           }
    112         ],
    113         illegal: /\[|%/
    114       },
    115       {
    116         className: 'class',
    117         beginKeywords: 'struct protocol class extension enum',
    118         keywords: SWIFT_KEYWORDS,
    119         end: '\\{',
    120         excludeEnd: true,
    121         contains: [
    122           hljs.inherit(hljs.TITLE_MODE, {begin: /[A-Za-z$_][\u00C0-\u02B80-9A-Za-z$_]*/})
    123         ]
    124       },
    125       {
    126         className: 'meta', // @attributes
    127         begin: '(@discardableResult|@warn_unused_result|@exported|@lazy|@noescape|' +
    128                   '@NSCopying|@NSManaged|@objc|@objcMembers|@convention|@required|' +
    129                   '@noreturn|@IBAction|@IBDesignable|@IBInspectable|@IBOutlet|' +
    130                   '@infix|@prefix|@postfix|@autoclosure|@testable|@available|' +
    131                   '@nonobjc|@NSApplicationMain|@UIApplicationMain|@dynamicMemberLookup|' +
    132                   '@propertyWrapper)\\b'
    134       },
    135       {
    136         beginKeywords: 'import', end: /$/,
    137         contains: [hljs.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, BLOCK_COMMENT]
    138       }
    139     ]
    140   };
    141 }
    143 module.exports = swift;