
node.js static responsive blog post generator
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stylus.js (8699B)

      1 /*
      2 Language: Stylus
      3 Author: Bryant Williams <b.n.williams@gmail.com>
      4 Description: Stylus is an expressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for nodejs.
      5 Website: https://github.com/stylus/stylus
      6 Category: css
      7 */
      9 function stylus(hljs) {
     11   var VARIABLE = {
     12     className: 'variable',
     13     begin: '\\$' + hljs.IDENT_RE
     14   };
     16   var HEX_COLOR = {
     17     className: 'number',
     18     begin: '#([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})'
     19   };
     21   var AT_KEYWORDS = [
     22     'charset',
     23     'css',
     24     'debug',
     25     'extend',
     26     'font-face',
     27     'for',
     28     'import',
     29     'include',
     30     'media',
     31     'mixin',
     32     'page',
     33     'warn',
     34     'while'
     35   ];
     37   var PSEUDO_SELECTORS = [
     38     'after',
     39     'before',
     40     'first-letter',
     41     'first-line',
     42     'active',
     43     'first-child',
     44     'focus',
     45     'hover',
     46     'lang',
     47     'link',
     48     'visited'
     49   ];
     51   var TAGS = [
     52     'a',
     53     'abbr',
     54     'address',
     55     'article',
     56     'aside',
     57     'audio',
     58     'b',
     59     'blockquote',
     60     'body',
     61     'button',
     62     'canvas',
     63     'caption',
     64     'cite',
     65     'code',
     66     'dd',
     67     'del',
     68     'details',
     69     'dfn',
     70     'div',
     71     'dl',
     72     'dt',
     73     'em',
     74     'fieldset',
     75     'figcaption',
     76     'figure',
     77     'footer',
     78     'form',
     79     'h1',
     80     'h2',
     81     'h3',
     82     'h4',
     83     'h5',
     84     'h6',
     85     'header',
     86     'hgroup',
     87     'html',
     88     'i',
     89     'iframe',
     90     'img',
     91     'input',
     92     'ins',
     93     'kbd',
     94     'label',
     95     'legend',
     96     'li',
     97     'mark',
     98     'menu',
     99     'nav',
    100     'object',
    101     'ol',
    102     'p',
    103     'q',
    104     'quote',
    105     'samp',
    106     'section',
    107     'span',
    108     'strong',
    109     'summary',
    110     'sup',
    111     'table',
    112     'tbody',
    113     'td',
    114     'textarea',
    115     'tfoot',
    116     'th',
    117     'thead',
    118     'time',
    119     'tr',
    120     'ul',
    121     'var',
    122     'video'
    123   ];
    125   var LOOKAHEAD_TAG_END = '(?=[\\.\\s\\n\\[\\:,])';
    127   var ATTRIBUTES = [
    128     'align-content',
    129     'align-items',
    130     'align-self',
    131     'animation',
    132     'animation-delay',
    133     'animation-direction',
    134     'animation-duration',
    135     'animation-fill-mode',
    136     'animation-iteration-count',
    137     'animation-name',
    138     'animation-play-state',
    139     'animation-timing-function',
    140     'auto',
    141     'backface-visibility',
    142     'background',
    143     'background-attachment',
    144     'background-clip',
    145     'background-color',
    146     'background-image',
    147     'background-origin',
    148     'background-position',
    149     'background-repeat',
    150     'background-size',
    151     'border',
    152     'border-bottom',
    153     'border-bottom-color',
    154     'border-bottom-left-radius',
    155     'border-bottom-right-radius',
    156     'border-bottom-style',
    157     'border-bottom-width',
    158     'border-collapse',
    159     'border-color',
    160     'border-image',
    161     'border-image-outset',
    162     'border-image-repeat',
    163     'border-image-slice',
    164     'border-image-source',
    165     'border-image-width',
    166     'border-left',
    167     'border-left-color',
    168     'border-left-style',
    169     'border-left-width',
    170     'border-radius',
    171     'border-right',
    172     'border-right-color',
    173     'border-right-style',
    174     'border-right-width',
    175     'border-spacing',
    176     'border-style',
    177     'border-top',
    178     'border-top-color',
    179     'border-top-left-radius',
    180     'border-top-right-radius',
    181     'border-top-style',
    182     'border-top-width',
    183     'border-width',
    184     'bottom',
    185     'box-decoration-break',
    186     'box-shadow',
    187     'box-sizing',
    188     'break-after',
    189     'break-before',
    190     'break-inside',
    191     'caption-side',
    192     'clear',
    193     'clip',
    194     'clip-path',
    195     'color',
    196     'column-count',
    197     'column-fill',
    198     'column-gap',
    199     'column-rule',
    200     'column-rule-color',
    201     'column-rule-style',
    202     'column-rule-width',
    203     'column-span',
    204     'column-width',
    205     'columns',
    206     'content',
    207     'counter-increment',
    208     'counter-reset',
    209     'cursor',
    210     'direction',
    211     'display',
    212     'empty-cells',
    213     'filter',
    214     'flex',
    215     'flex-basis',
    216     'flex-direction',
    217     'flex-flow',
    218     'flex-grow',
    219     'flex-shrink',
    220     'flex-wrap',
    221     'float',
    222     'font',
    223     'font-family',
    224     'font-feature-settings',
    225     'font-kerning',
    226     'font-language-override',
    227     'font-size',
    228     'font-size-adjust',
    229     'font-stretch',
    230     'font-style',
    231     'font-variant',
    232     'font-variant-ligatures',
    233     'font-weight',
    234     'height',
    235     'hyphens',
    236     'icon',
    237     'image-orientation',
    238     'image-rendering',
    239     'image-resolution',
    240     'ime-mode',
    241     'inherit',
    242     'initial',
    243     'justify-content',
    244     'left',
    245     'letter-spacing',
    246     'line-height',
    247     'list-style',
    248     'list-style-image',
    249     'list-style-position',
    250     'list-style-type',
    251     'margin',
    252     'margin-bottom',
    253     'margin-left',
    254     'margin-right',
    255     'margin-top',
    256     'marks',
    257     'mask',
    258     'max-height',
    259     'max-width',
    260     'min-height',
    261     'min-width',
    262     'nav-down',
    263     'nav-index',
    264     'nav-left',
    265     'nav-right',
    266     'nav-up',
    267     'none',
    268     'normal',
    269     'object-fit',
    270     'object-position',
    271     'opacity',
    272     'order',
    273     'orphans',
    274     'outline',
    275     'outline-color',
    276     'outline-offset',
    277     'outline-style',
    278     'outline-width',
    279     'overflow',
    280     'overflow-wrap',
    281     'overflow-x',
    282     'overflow-y',
    283     'padding',
    284     'padding-bottom',
    285     'padding-left',
    286     'padding-right',
    287     'padding-top',
    288     'page-break-after',
    289     'page-break-before',
    290     'page-break-inside',
    291     'perspective',
    292     'perspective-origin',
    293     'pointer-events',
    294     'position',
    295     'quotes',
    296     'resize',
    297     'right',
    298     'tab-size',
    299     'table-layout',
    300     'text-align',
    301     'text-align-last',
    302     'text-decoration',
    303     'text-decoration-color',
    304     'text-decoration-line',
    305     'text-decoration-style',
    306     'text-indent',
    307     'text-overflow',
    308     'text-rendering',
    309     'text-shadow',
    310     'text-transform',
    311     'text-underline-position',
    312     'top',
    313     'transform',
    314     'transform-origin',
    315     'transform-style',
    316     'transition',
    317     'transition-delay',
    318     'transition-duration',
    319     'transition-property',
    320     'transition-timing-function',
    321     'unicode-bidi',
    322     'vertical-align',
    323     'visibility',
    324     'white-space',
    325     'widows',
    326     'width',
    327     'word-break',
    328     'word-spacing',
    329     'word-wrap',
    330     'z-index'
    331   ];
    333   // illegals
    334   var ILLEGAL = [
    335     '\\?',
    336     '(\\bReturn\\b)', // monkey
    337     '(\\bEnd\\b)', // monkey
    338     '(\\bend\\b)', // vbscript
    339     '(\\bdef\\b)', // gradle
    340     ';', // a whole lot of languages
    341     '#\\s', // markdown
    342     '\\*\\s', // markdown
    343     '===\\s', // markdown
    344     '\\|',
    345     '%', // prolog
    346   ];
    348   return {
    349     name: 'Stylus',
    350     aliases: ['styl'],
    351     case_insensitive: false,
    352     keywords: 'if else for in',
    353     illegal: '(' + ILLEGAL.join('|') + ')',
    354     contains: [
    356       // strings
    357       hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE,
    358       hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE,
    360       // comments
    361       hljs.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE,
    362       hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE,
    364       // hex colors
    365       HEX_COLOR,
    367       // class tag
    368       {
    369         begin: '\\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*' + LOOKAHEAD_TAG_END,
    370         className: 'selector-class'
    371       },
    373       // id tag
    374       {
    375         begin: '\\#[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*' + LOOKAHEAD_TAG_END,
    376         className: 'selector-id'
    377       },
    379       // tags
    380       {
    381         begin: '\\b(' + TAGS.join('|') + ')' + LOOKAHEAD_TAG_END,
    382         className: 'selector-tag'
    383       },
    385       // psuedo selectors
    386       {
    387         begin: '&?:?:\\b(' + PSEUDO_SELECTORS.join('|') + ')' + LOOKAHEAD_TAG_END
    388       },
    390       // @ keywords
    391       {
    392         begin: '\@(' + AT_KEYWORDS.join('|') + ')\\b'
    393       },
    395       // variables
    396       VARIABLE,
    398       // dimension
    399       hljs.CSS_NUMBER_MODE,
    401       // number
    402       hljs.NUMBER_MODE,
    404       // functions
    405       //  - only from beginning of line + whitespace
    406       {
    407         className: 'function',
    408         begin: '^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*\\(.*\\)',
    409         illegal: '[\\n]',
    410         returnBegin: true,
    411         contains: [
    412           {className: 'title', begin: '\\b[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*'},
    413           {
    414             className: 'params',
    415             begin: /\(/,
    416             end: /\)/,
    417             contains: [
    418               HEX_COLOR,
    419               VARIABLE,
    420               hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE,
    421               hljs.CSS_NUMBER_MODE,
    422               hljs.NUMBER_MODE,
    423               hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE
    424             ]
    425           }
    426         ]
    427       },
    429       // attributes
    430       //  - only from beginning of line + whitespace
    431       //  - must have whitespace after it
    432       {
    433         className: 'attribute',
    434         begin: '\\b(' + ATTRIBUTES.reverse().join('|') + ')\\b',
    435         starts: {
    436           // value container
    437           end: /;|$/,
    438           contains: [
    439             HEX_COLOR,
    440             VARIABLE,
    441             hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE,
    442             hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE,
    443             hljs.CSS_NUMBER_MODE,
    444             hljs.NUMBER_MODE,
    445             hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE
    446           ],
    447           illegal: /\./,
    448           relevance: 0
    449         }
    450       }
    451     ]
    452   };
    453 }
    455 module.exports = stylus;