sql.js (14921B)
1 /* 2 Language: SQL 3 Contributors: Nikolay Lisienko <info@neor.ru>, Heiko August <post@auge8472.de>, Travis Odom <travis.a.odom@gmail.com>, Vadimtro <vadimtro@yahoo.com>, Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@gmail.com> 4 Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL 5 Category: common 6 */ 7 8 function sql(hljs) { 9 var COMMENT_MODE = hljs.COMMENT('--', '$'); 10 return { 11 name: 'SQL', 12 case_insensitive: true, 13 illegal: /[<>{}*]/, 14 contains: [ 15 { 16 beginKeywords: 17 'begin end start commit rollback savepoint lock alter create drop rename call ' + 18 'delete do handler insert load replace select truncate update set show pragma grant ' + 19 'merge describe use explain help declare prepare execute deallocate release ' + 20 'unlock purge reset change stop analyze cache flush optimize repair kill ' + 21 'install uninstall checksum restore check backup revoke comment values with', 22 end: /;/, endsWithParent: true, 23 keywords: { 24 $pattern: /[\w\.]+/, 25 keyword: 26 'as abort abs absolute acc acce accep accept access accessed accessible account acos action activate add ' + 27 'addtime admin administer advanced advise aes_decrypt aes_encrypt after agent aggregate ali alia alias ' + 28 'all allocate allow alter always analyze ancillary and anti any anydata anydataset anyschema anytype apply ' + 29 'archive archived archivelog are as asc ascii asin assembly assertion associate asynchronous at atan ' + 30 'atn2 attr attri attrib attribu attribut attribute attributes audit authenticated authentication authid ' + 31 'authors auto autoallocate autodblink autoextend automatic availability avg backup badfile basicfile ' + 32 'before begin beginning benchmark between bfile bfile_base big bigfile bin binary_double binary_float ' + 33 'binlog bit_and bit_count bit_length bit_or bit_xor bitmap blob_base block blocksize body both bound ' + 34 'bucket buffer_cache buffer_pool build bulk by byte byteordermark bytes cache caching call calling cancel ' + 35 'capacity cascade cascaded case cast catalog category ceil ceiling chain change changed char_base ' + 36 'char_length character_length characters characterset charindex charset charsetform charsetid check ' + 37 'checksum checksum_agg child choose chr chunk class cleanup clear client clob clob_base clone close ' + 38 'cluster_id cluster_probability cluster_set clustering coalesce coercibility col collate collation ' + 39 'collect colu colum column column_value columns columns_updated comment commit compact compatibility ' + 40 'compiled complete composite_limit compound compress compute concat concat_ws concurrent confirm conn ' + 41 'connec connect connect_by_iscycle connect_by_isleaf connect_by_root connect_time connection ' + 42 'consider consistent constant constraint constraints constructor container content contents context ' + 43 'contributors controlfile conv convert convert_tz corr corr_k corr_s corresponding corruption cos cost ' + 44 'count count_big counted covar_pop covar_samp cpu_per_call cpu_per_session crc32 create creation ' + 45 'critical cross cube cume_dist curdate current current_date current_time current_timestamp current_user ' + 46 'cursor curtime customdatum cycle data database databases datafile datafiles datalength date_add ' + 47 'date_cache date_format date_sub dateadd datediff datefromparts datename datepart datetime2fromparts ' + 48 'day day_to_second dayname dayofmonth dayofweek dayofyear days db_role_change dbtimezone ddl deallocate ' + 49 'declare decode decompose decrement decrypt deduplicate def defa defau defaul default defaults ' + 50 'deferred defi defin define degrees delayed delegate delete delete_all delimited demand dense_rank ' + 51 'depth dequeue des_decrypt des_encrypt des_key_file desc descr descri describ describe descriptor ' + 52 'deterministic diagnostics difference dimension direct_load directory disable disable_all ' + 53 'disallow disassociate discardfile disconnect diskgroup distinct distinctrow distribute distributed div ' + 54 'do document domain dotnet double downgrade drop dumpfile duplicate duration each edition editionable ' + 55 'editions element ellipsis else elsif elt empty enable enable_all enclosed encode encoding encrypt ' + 56 'end end-exec endian enforced engine engines enqueue enterprise entityescaping eomonth error errors ' + 57 'escaped evalname evaluate event eventdata events except exception exceptions exchange exclude excluding ' + 58 'execu execut execute exempt exists exit exp expire explain explode export export_set extended extent external ' + 59 'external_1 external_2 externally extract failed failed_login_attempts failover failure far fast ' + 60 'feature_set feature_value fetch field fields file file_name_convert filesystem_like_logging final ' + 61 'finish first first_value fixed flash_cache flashback floor flush following follows for forall force foreign ' + 62 'form forma format found found_rows freelist freelists freepools fresh from from_base64 from_days ' + 63 'ftp full function general generated get get_format get_lock getdate getutcdate global global_name ' + 64 'globally go goto grant grants greatest group group_concat group_id grouping grouping_id groups ' + 65 'gtid_subtract guarantee guard handler hash hashkeys having hea head headi headin heading heap help hex ' + 66 'hierarchy high high_priority hosts hour hours http id ident_current ident_incr ident_seed identified ' + 67 'identity idle_time if ifnull ignore iif ilike ilm immediate import in include including increment ' + 68 'index indexes indexing indextype indicator indices inet6_aton inet6_ntoa inet_aton inet_ntoa infile ' + 69 'initial initialized initially initrans inmemory inner innodb input insert install instance instantiable ' + 70 'instr interface interleaved intersect into invalidate invisible is is_free_lock is_ipv4 is_ipv4_compat ' + 71 'is_not is_not_null is_used_lock isdate isnull isolation iterate java join json json_exists ' + 72 'keep keep_duplicates key keys kill language large last last_day last_insert_id last_value lateral lax lcase ' + 73 'lead leading least leaves left len lenght length less level levels library like like2 like4 likec limit ' + 74 'lines link list listagg little ln load load_file lob lobs local localtime localtimestamp locate ' + 75 'locator lock locked log log10 log2 logfile logfiles logging logical logical_reads_per_call ' + 76 'logoff logon logs long loop low low_priority lower lpad lrtrim ltrim main make_set makedate maketime ' + 77 'managed management manual map mapping mask master master_pos_wait match matched materialized max ' + 78 'maxextents maximize maxinstances maxlen maxlogfiles maxloghistory maxlogmembers maxsize maxtrans ' + 79 'md5 measures median medium member memcompress memory merge microsecond mid migration min minextents ' + 80 'minimum mining minus minute minutes minvalue missing mod mode model modification modify module monitoring month ' + 81 'months mount move movement multiset mutex name name_const names nan national native natural nav nchar ' + 82 'nclob nested never new newline next nextval no no_write_to_binlog noarchivelog noaudit nobadfile ' + 83 'nocheck nocompress nocopy nocycle nodelay nodiscardfile noentityescaping noguarantee nokeep nologfile ' + 84 'nomapping nomaxvalue nominimize nominvalue nomonitoring none noneditionable nonschema noorder ' + 85 'nopr nopro noprom nopromp noprompt norely noresetlogs noreverse normal norowdependencies noschemacheck ' + 86 'noswitch not nothing notice notnull notrim novalidate now nowait nth_value nullif nulls num numb numbe ' + 87 'nvarchar nvarchar2 object ocicoll ocidate ocidatetime ociduration ociinterval ociloblocator ocinumber ' + 88 'ociref ocirefcursor ocirowid ocistring ocitype oct octet_length of off offline offset oid oidindex old ' + 89 'on online only opaque open operations operator optimal optimize option optionally or oracle oracle_date ' + 90 'oradata ord ordaudio orddicom orddoc order ordimage ordinality ordvideo organization orlany orlvary ' + 91 'out outer outfile outline output over overflow overriding package pad parallel parallel_enable ' + 92 'parameters parent parse partial partition partitions pascal passing password password_grace_time ' + 93 'password_lock_time password_reuse_max password_reuse_time password_verify_function patch path patindex ' + 94 'pctincrease pctthreshold pctused pctversion percent percent_rank percentile_cont percentile_disc ' + 95 'performance period period_add period_diff permanent physical pi pipe pipelined pivot pluggable plugin ' + 96 'policy position post_transaction pow power pragma prebuilt precedes preceding precision prediction ' + 97 'prediction_cost prediction_details prediction_probability prediction_set prepare present preserve ' + 98 'prior priority private private_sga privileges procedural procedure procedure_analyze processlist ' + 99 'profiles project prompt protection public publishingservername purge quarter query quick quiesce quota ' + 100 'quotename radians raise rand range rank raw read reads readsize rebuild record records ' + 101 'recover recovery recursive recycle redo reduced ref reference referenced references referencing refresh ' + 102 'regexp_like register regr_avgx regr_avgy regr_count regr_intercept regr_r2 regr_slope regr_sxx regr_sxy ' + 103 'reject rekey relational relative relaylog release release_lock relies_on relocate rely rem remainder rename ' + 104 'repair repeat replace replicate replication required reset resetlogs resize resource respect restore ' + 105 'restricted result result_cache resumable resume retention return returning returns reuse reverse revoke ' + 106 'right rlike role roles rollback rolling rollup round row row_count rowdependencies rowid rownum rows ' + 107 'rtrim rules safe salt sample save savepoint sb1 sb2 sb4 scan schema schemacheck scn scope scroll ' + 108 'sdo_georaster sdo_topo_geometry search sec_to_time second seconds section securefile security seed segment select ' + 109 'self semi sequence sequential serializable server servererror session session_user sessions_per_user set ' + 110 'sets settings sha sha1 sha2 share shared shared_pool short show shrink shutdown si_averagecolor ' + 111 'si_colorhistogram si_featurelist si_positionalcolor si_stillimage si_texture siblings sid sign sin ' + 112 'size size_t sizes skip slave sleep smalldatetimefromparts smallfile snapshot some soname sort soundex ' + 113 'source space sparse spfile split sql sql_big_result sql_buffer_result sql_cache sql_calc_found_rows ' + 114 'sql_small_result sql_variant_property sqlcode sqldata sqlerror sqlname sqlstate sqrt square standalone ' + 115 'standby start starting startup statement static statistics stats_binomial_test stats_crosstab ' + 116 'stats_ks_test stats_mode stats_mw_test stats_one_way_anova stats_t_test_ stats_t_test_indep ' + 117 'stats_t_test_one stats_t_test_paired stats_wsr_test status std stddev stddev_pop stddev_samp stdev ' + 118 'stop storage store stored str str_to_date straight_join strcmp strict string struct stuff style subdate ' + 119 'subpartition subpartitions substitutable substr substring subtime subtring_index subtype success sum ' + 120 'suspend switch switchoffset switchover sync synchronous synonym sys sys_xmlagg sysasm sysaux sysdate ' + 121 'sysdatetimeoffset sysdba sysoper system system_user sysutcdatetime table tables tablespace tablesample tan tdo ' + 122 'template temporary terminated tertiary_weights test than then thread through tier ties time time_format ' + 123 'time_zone timediff timefromparts timeout timestamp timestampadd timestampdiff timezone_abbr ' + 124 'timezone_minute timezone_region to to_base64 to_date to_days to_seconds todatetimeoffset trace tracking ' + 125 'transaction transactional translate translation treat trigger trigger_nestlevel triggers trim truncate ' + 126 'try_cast try_convert try_parse type ub1 ub2 ub4 ucase unarchived unbounded uncompress ' + 127 'under undo unhex unicode uniform uninstall union unique unix_timestamp unknown unlimited unlock unnest unpivot ' + 128 'unrecoverable unsafe unsigned until untrusted unusable unused update updated upgrade upped upper upsert ' + 129 'url urowid usable usage use use_stored_outlines user user_data user_resources users using utc_date ' + 130 'utc_timestamp uuid uuid_short validate validate_password_strength validation valist value values var ' + 131 'var_samp varcharc vari varia variab variabl variable variables variance varp varraw varrawc varray ' + 132 'verify version versions view virtual visible void wait wallet warning warnings week weekday weekofyear ' + 133 'wellformed when whene whenev wheneve whenever where while whitespace window with within without work wrapped ' + 134 'xdb xml xmlagg xmlattributes xmlcast xmlcolattval xmlelement xmlexists xmlforest xmlindex xmlnamespaces ' + 135 'xmlpi xmlquery xmlroot xmlschema xmlserialize xmltable xmltype xor year year_to_month years yearweek', 136 literal: 137 'true false null unknown', 138 built_in: 139 'array bigint binary bit blob bool boolean char character date dec decimal float int int8 integer interval number ' + 140 'numeric real record serial serial8 smallint text time timestamp tinyint varchar varchar2 varying void' 141 }, 142 contains: [ 143 { 144 className: 'string', 145 begin: '\'', end: '\'', 146 contains: [{begin: '\'\''}] 147 }, 148 { 149 className: 'string', 150 begin: '"', end: '"', 151 contains: [{begin: '""'}] 152 }, 153 { 154 className: 'string', 155 begin: '`', end: '`' 156 }, 157 hljs.C_NUMBER_MODE, 158 hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, 159 COMMENT_MODE, 160 hljs.HASH_COMMENT_MODE 161 ] 162 }, 163 hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, 164 COMMENT_MODE, 165 hljs.HASH_COMMENT_MODE 166 ] 167 }; 168 } 169 170 module.exports = sql;