
node.js static responsive blog post generator
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processing.js (3894B)

      1 /*
      2 Language: Processing
      3 Description: Processing is a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts.
      4 Author: Erik Paluka <erik.paluka@gmail.com>
      5 Website: https://processing.org
      6 Category: graphics
      7 */
      9 function processing(hljs) {
     10   return {
     11     name: 'Processing',
     12     keywords: {
     13       keyword: 'BufferedReader PVector PFont PImage PGraphics HashMap boolean byte char color ' +
     14         'double float int long String Array FloatDict FloatList IntDict IntList JSONArray JSONObject ' +
     15         'Object StringDict StringList Table TableRow XML ' +
     16         // Java keywords
     17         'false synchronized int abstract float private char boolean static null if const ' +
     18         'for true while long throw strictfp finally protected import native final return void ' +
     19         'enum else break transient new catch instanceof byte super volatile case assert short ' +
     20         'package default double public try this switch continue throws protected public private',
     21       literal: 'P2D P3D HALF_PI PI QUARTER_PI TAU TWO_PI',
     22       title: 'setup draw',
     23       built_in: 'displayHeight displayWidth mouseY mouseX mousePressed pmouseX pmouseY key ' +
     24         'keyCode pixels focused frameCount frameRate height width ' +
     25         'size createGraphics beginDraw createShape loadShape PShape arc ellipse line point ' +
     26         'quad rect triangle bezier bezierDetail bezierPoint bezierTangent curve curveDetail curvePoint ' +
     27         'curveTangent curveTightness shape shapeMode beginContour beginShape bezierVertex curveVertex ' +
     28         'endContour endShape quadraticVertex vertex ellipseMode noSmooth rectMode smooth strokeCap ' +
     29         'strokeJoin strokeWeight mouseClicked mouseDragged mouseMoved mousePressed mouseReleased ' +
     30         'mouseWheel keyPressed keyPressedkeyReleased keyTyped print println save saveFrame day hour ' +
     31         'millis minute month second year background clear colorMode fill noFill noStroke stroke alpha ' +
     32         'blue brightness color green hue lerpColor red saturation modelX modelY modelZ screenX screenY ' +
     33         'screenZ ambient emissive shininess specular add createImage beginCamera camera endCamera frustum ' +
     34         'ortho perspective printCamera printProjection cursor frameRate noCursor exit loop noLoop popStyle ' +
     35         'pushStyle redraw binary boolean byte char float hex int str unbinary unhex join match matchAll nf ' +
     36         'nfc nfp nfs split splitTokens trim append arrayCopy concat expand reverse shorten sort splice subset ' +
     37         'box sphere sphereDetail createInput createReader loadBytes loadJSONArray loadJSONObject loadStrings ' +
     38         'loadTable loadXML open parseXML saveTable selectFolder selectInput beginRaw beginRecord createOutput ' +
     39         'createWriter endRaw endRecord PrintWritersaveBytes saveJSONArray saveJSONObject saveStream saveStrings ' +
     40         'saveXML selectOutput popMatrix printMatrix pushMatrix resetMatrix rotate rotateX rotateY rotateZ scale ' +
     41         'shearX shearY translate ambientLight directionalLight lightFalloff lights lightSpecular noLights normal ' +
     42         'pointLight spotLight image imageMode loadImage noTint requestImage tint texture textureMode textureWrap ' +
     43         'blend copy filter get loadPixels set updatePixels blendMode loadShader PShaderresetShader shader createFont ' +
     44         'loadFont text textFont textAlign textLeading textMode textSize textWidth textAscent textDescent abs ceil ' +
     45         'constrain dist exp floor lerp log mag map max min norm pow round sq sqrt acos asin atan atan2 cos degrees ' +
     46         'radians sin tan noise noiseDetail noiseSeed random randomGaussian randomSeed'
     47     },
     48     contains: [
     49       hljs.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE,
     50       hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE,
     51       hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE,
     52       hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE,
     53       hljs.C_NUMBER_MODE
     54     ]
     55   };
     56 }
     58 module.exports = processing;