
node.js static responsive blog post generator
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php.js (6609B)

      1 /*
      2 Language: PHP
      3 Author: Victor Karamzin <Victor.Karamzin@enterra-inc.com>
      4 Contributors: Evgeny Stepanischev <imbolk@gmail.com>, Ivan Sagalaev <maniac@softwaremaniacs.org>
      5 Website: https://www.php.net
      6 Category: common
      7 */
      9 /**
     10  * @param {HLJSApi} hljs
     11  * @returns {LanguageDetail}
     12  * */
     13 function php(hljs) {
     14   var VARIABLE = {
     15     begin: '\\$+[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*'
     16   };
     17   var PREPROCESSOR = {
     18     className: 'meta',
     19     variants: [
     20       { begin: /<\?php/, relevance: 10 }, // boost for obvious PHP
     21       { begin: /<\?[=]?/ },
     22       { begin: /\?>/ } // end php tag
     23     ]
     24   };
     25   var SUBST = {
     26     className: 'subst',
     27     variants: [
     28       { begin: /\$\w+/ },
     29       { begin: /\{\$/, end: /\}/ }
     30     ]
     31   };
     32   var SINGLE_QUOTED = hljs.inherit(hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE, {
     33     illegal: null,
     34   });
     35   var DOUBLE_QUOTED = hljs.inherit(hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, {
     36     illegal: null,
     37     contains: hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE.contains.concat(SUBST),
     38   });
     39   var HEREDOC = hljs.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({
     40     begin: /<<<[ \t]*(\w+)\n/,
     41     end: /[ \t]*(\w+)\b/,
     42     contains: hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE.contains.concat(SUBST),
     43   });
     44   var STRING = {
     45     className: 'string',
     46     contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, PREPROCESSOR],
     47     variants: [
     48       hljs.inherit(SINGLE_QUOTED, {
     49         begin: "b'", end: "'",
     50       }),
     51       hljs.inherit(DOUBLE_QUOTED, {
     52         begin: 'b"', end: '"',
     53       }),
     54       DOUBLE_QUOTED,
     55       SINGLE_QUOTED,
     56       HEREDOC
     57     ]
     58   };
     59   var NUMBER = {variants: [hljs.BINARY_NUMBER_MODE, hljs.C_NUMBER_MODE]};
     60   var KEYWORDS = {
     61     keyword:
     62     // Magic constants:
     63     // <https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.constants.predefined.php>
     64     '__CLASS__ __DIR__ __FILE__ __FUNCTION__ __LINE__ __METHOD__ __NAMESPACE__ __TRAIT__ ' +
     65     // Function that look like language construct or language construct that look like function:
     66     // List of keywords that may not require parenthesis
     67     'die echo exit include include_once print require require_once ' +
     68     // These are not language construct (function) but operate on the currently-executing function and can access the current symbol table
     69     // 'compact extract func_get_arg func_get_args func_num_args get_called_class get_parent_class ' +
     70     // Other keywords:
     71     // <https://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.php>
     72     // <https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.type-juggling.php>
     73     'array abstract and as binary bool boolean break callable case catch class clone const continue declare default do double else elseif empty enddeclare endfor endforeach endif endswitch endwhile eval extends final finally float for foreach from global goto if implements instanceof insteadof int integer interface isset iterable list new object or private protected public real return string switch throw trait try unset use var void while xor yield',
     74     literal: 'false null true',
     75     built_in:
     76     // Standard PHP library:
     77     // <https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.spl.php>
     78     'Error|0 ' + // error is too common a name esp since PHP is case in-sensitive
     79     'AppendIterator ArgumentCountError ArithmeticError ArrayIterator ArrayObject AssertionError BadFunctionCallException BadMethodCallException CachingIterator CallbackFilterIterator CompileError Countable DirectoryIterator DivisionByZeroError DomainException EmptyIterator ErrorException Exception FilesystemIterator FilterIterator GlobIterator InfiniteIterator InvalidArgumentException IteratorIterator LengthException LimitIterator LogicException MultipleIterator NoRewindIterator OutOfBoundsException OutOfRangeException OuterIterator OverflowException ParentIterator ParseError RangeException RecursiveArrayIterator RecursiveCachingIterator RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator RecursiveDirectoryIterator RecursiveFilterIterator RecursiveIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator RecursiveRegexIterator RecursiveTreeIterator RegexIterator RuntimeException SeekableIterator SplDoublyLinkedList SplFileInfo SplFileObject SplFixedArray SplHeap SplMaxHeap SplMinHeap SplObjectStorage SplObserver SplObserver SplPriorityQueue SplQueue SplStack SplSubject SplSubject SplTempFileObject TypeError UnderflowException UnexpectedValueException ' +
     80     // Reserved interfaces:
     81     // <https://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.interfaces.php>
     82     'ArrayAccess Closure Generator Iterator IteratorAggregate Serializable Throwable Traversable WeakReference ' +
     83     // Reserved classes:
     84     // <https://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.classes.php>
     85     'Directory __PHP_Incomplete_Class parent php_user_filter self static stdClass'
     86   };
     87   return {
     88     aliases: ['php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'php6', 'php7'],
     89     case_insensitive: true,
     90     keywords: KEYWORDS,
     91     contains: [
     92       hljs.HASH_COMMENT_MODE,
     93       hljs.COMMENT('//', '$', {contains: [PREPROCESSOR]}),
     94       hljs.COMMENT(
     95         '/\\*',
     96         '\\*/',
     97         {
     98           contains: [
     99             {
    100               className: 'doctag',
    101               begin: '@[A-Za-z]+'
    102             }
    103           ]
    104         }
    105       ),
    106       hljs.COMMENT(
    107         '__halt_compiler.+?;',
    108         false,
    109         {
    110           endsWithParent: true,
    111           keywords: '__halt_compiler'
    112         }
    113       ),
    114       PREPROCESSOR,
    115       {
    116         className: 'keyword', begin: /\$this\b/
    117       },
    118       VARIABLE,
    119       {
    120         // swallow composed identifiers to avoid parsing them as keywords
    121         begin: /(::|->)+[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*/
    122       },
    123       {
    124         className: 'function',
    125         beginKeywords: 'fn function', end: /[;{]/, excludeEnd: true,
    126         illegal: '[$%\\[]',
    127         contains: [
    128           hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE,
    129           {
    130             className: 'params',
    131             begin: '\\(', end: '\\)',
    132             excludeBegin: true,
    133             excludeEnd: true,
    134             keywords: KEYWORDS,
    135             contains: [
    136               'self',
    137               VARIABLE,
    138               hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE,
    139               STRING,
    140               NUMBER
    141             ]
    142           }
    143         ]
    144       },
    145       {
    146         className: 'class',
    147         beginKeywords: 'class interface', end: '{', excludeEnd: true,
    148         illegal: /[:\(\$"]/,
    149         contains: [
    150           {beginKeywords: 'extends implements'},
    151           hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE
    152         ]
    153       },
    154       {
    155         beginKeywords: 'namespace', end: ';',
    156         illegal: /[\.']/,
    157         contains: [hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE]
    158       },
    159       {
    160         beginKeywords: 'use', end: ';',
    161         contains: [hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE]
    162       },
    163       {
    164         begin: '=>' // No markup, just a relevance booster
    165       },
    166       STRING,
    167       NUMBER
    168     ]
    169   };
    170 }
    172 module.exports = php;