
node.js static responsive blog post generator
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monkey.js (2175B)

      1 /*
      2 Language: Monkey
      3 Description: Monkey2 is an easy to use, cross platform, games oriented programming language from Blitz Research.
      4 Author: Arthur Bikmullin <devolonter@gmail.com>
      5 Website: https://blitzresearch.itch.io/monkey2
      6 */
      8 function monkey(hljs) {
      9   var NUMBER = {
     10     className: 'number', relevance: 0,
     11     variants: [
     12       {
     13         begin: '[$][a-fA-F0-9]+'
     14       },
     15       hljs.NUMBER_MODE
     16     ]
     17   };
     19   return {
     20     name: 'Monkey',
     21     case_insensitive: true,
     22     keywords: {
     23       keyword: 'public private property continue exit extern new try catch ' +
     24         'eachin not abstract final select case default const local global field ' +
     25         'end if then else elseif endif while wend repeat until forever for ' +
     26         'to step next return module inline throw import',
     28       built_in: 'DebugLog DebugStop Error Print ACos ACosr ASin ASinr ATan ATan2 ATan2r ATanr Abs Abs Ceil ' +
     29         'Clamp Clamp Cos Cosr Exp Floor Log Max Max Min Min Pow Sgn Sgn Sin Sinr Sqrt Tan Tanr Seed PI HALFPI TWOPI',
     31       literal: 'true false null and or shl shr mod'
     32     },
     33     illegal: /\/\*/,
     34     contains: [
     35       hljs.COMMENT('#rem', '#end'),
     36       hljs.COMMENT(
     37         "'",
     38         '$',
     39         {
     40           relevance: 0
     41         }
     42       ),
     43       {
     44         className: 'function',
     45         beginKeywords: 'function method', end: '[(=:]|$',
     46         illegal: /\n/,
     47         contains: [
     48           hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE
     49         ]
     50       },
     51       {
     52         className: 'class',
     53         beginKeywords: 'class interface', end: '$',
     54         contains: [
     55           {
     56             beginKeywords: 'extends implements'
     57           },
     58           hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE
     59         ]
     60       },
     61       {
     62         className: 'built_in',
     63         begin: '\\b(self|super)\\b'
     64       },
     65       {
     66         className: 'meta',
     67         begin: '\\s*#', end: '$',
     68         keywords: {'meta-keyword': 'if else elseif endif end then'}
     69       },
     70       {
     71         className: 'meta',
     72         begin: '^\\s*strict\\b'
     73       },
     74       {
     75         beginKeywords: 'alias', end: '=',
     76         contains: [hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE]
     77       },
     78       hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE,
     79       NUMBER
     80     ]
     81   }
     82 }
     84 module.exports = monkey;